
Education programs worth it?

Real Estate Agent with @Properties of Harbor Country

I serve on the Education Committee for our MLS (Southwest Michigan Association of Realtors) and we are always looking for topics and presentations that will benefit our membership. When we come up with something that we feel is extremely useful we get low response.


We tried to offer a course/presentation at a cost of about $160.00 which is designed to teach you how to drive prospects to your website.     This is not, I repeat: NOT a solicitation.  I want your opinion why something like this would get a lackluster response?  We advertised it, we demonstrated it's effectiveness, we made it convenient to attend and still had hardly any takers!  Statistically, the majority of home buyers today find their new home online before calling a Realtor!  Statistically, print media does not work to sell homes, so why are we spending thousands of dollars yearly on print and not on the internet?  Is it a sign of the times?  No one is working and cannot afford extras?  Are people afraid of the internet and technology?

 Your opinions please.


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Lola Audu
Lola Audu~Audu Real Estate~Grand Rapids, MI Real Estate - Grand Rapids, MI
Audu Real Estate~Grand Rapids, MI ~Welcome Home!
Mario, our local Board started offering Lunch & Learn Classes a few years back on hot topics such as Mold and got a great response.  In addition, a recent class on Foreclosures filled up our auditorium 3 times.  Sometimes, it may be helpful to take a poll of your membership to see what they're interested in learning more about and the price they're willing to pay for it.
Oct 20, 2007 03:39 PM
Brandon Hoffman
RE/MAX Connected - Irmo, SC
I think they are worth it and I think Lola posted a good idea. What does your crowd want? Maybe there are enough other ways out there that they just didn't feel the need to take the tech class with e-Pro and all?
Oct 20, 2007 04:27 PM