
Community organic garden in Hali'imaile Maui

Real Estate Agent with Maui Earth Realty LLC

Hali'imaile is a sweet little town upcountry Maui, it's the kind of place where people are still friendly and give you a wave when you drive by.   At the end of Ao'iki Street is a beautiful community organic garden, this project is supported by Maui Land and Pineapple Co. 

With most kids these days feeling that food just comes from the grocery store, this is a great place for families to teach their children where food really comes from. People who don't have space for a garden at home, can have a small garden plot, conveniently located for upcountry residents. The gardeners all practice organic gardening methods sharing the same intentions to be good stewards of our earth. Composting is common practice at the Hali'imaile community garden, this is not only beneficial to building healthy soil, but helps reduce the waste sent to our Maui landfill (which is filling far too quickly).  The feeling of community is strong, working beside your friends and neighbors, sharing gardening ideas and techniques, and of course enjoying the sweet harvests. 

Some of the future goals for this community garden include educational planting by schools and growing food for the Maui Food Bank.   Membership is currently free, but there will be a small fee to cover expenses in time. This is a great opportunity for upcountry residents to enjoy the outdoors, grow some healthy organic food, and help reduce Maui's dependence on imported foods.  How lucky we live Maui  :)



            My kids shucking corn from our organic garden.                                  

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Mary McGraw
GLREA - Rockford, MI
2015: Solar Energy Is Still A Simple Machine!
KAREN - I love the idea of the community gardens. Yours sounds very unique because it is also organic. What a great opportunity for neighbors to come together. Projects like these will help develop a strong sense of community which is so important. I like the idea teaching children at an early age to eat healthy and participate in projects like this!
Oct 21, 2007 03:10 AM


First of all...congratulations on your Gold Star here at the ECO-All-Stars and for being featured in the OCTOBER CHALLENGE!

I was so attracted to what you wrote..."...Some of the future goals for this community garden include educational planting by schools and growing food for the Maui Food Bank..."   because the concept embodied here not only is educational, and fruitful, but generous.

Oct 21, 2007 04:10 AM
Karen Willliamson
Maui Earth Realty LLC - Kihei, HI
Wailea Hawaii real estate

I am very exited about this idea, it is so nice to see people out growing organic food. Most of our food here on Maui is shipped from the mainland.   Even some of our organic produce is shipped from the mainland.  These are the positives I see, anyone see any I've missed?

  • Help conserve energy by using less fossil fuel to transport food from across the ocean.
  • Provide families with great outdoor time.
  • Teach family members the value of growing clean organic foods.
  • Puts less foodwaste into our landfill (composting)
  • builds our soil (composting)
  • Hopefully in time it will help fill our Maui foodbank with healthy organic foods.
  • Build community.
Oct 21, 2007 08:53 AM
Joan Whitebook
BHG The Masiello Group - Nashua, NH
Consumer Focused Real Estate Services
I love to hear about these wonderful places.  This looks like a wonderful place.   Maui is a beautiful part of Hawaii.  Thanks for highlighting this communtiy garden.  Congratuations on the gold eco star.
Oct 21, 2007 04:31 PM
Mary McGraw
GLREA - Rockford, MI
2015: Solar Energy Is Still A Simple Machine!

Karen - there are quite a few positives that you mention! I think you have covered the gamut! but you missed...

Mmm Mmm Good! 

Oct 21, 2007 09:49 PM