
Horn Early Bird Market

Real Estate Agent with Keller Williams Realty

Have a child attending Horn Elementary this coming school year?  If you do, you will want to get to the Early Bird Market on August 19th!  It’s your one-stop shopping and information source for the year! 


The Market is your place to purchase “Dress Down” Wristbands, PTO Memberships, Uniforms, Yearbooks, Auction/Gala Tickets, Engraved Sidewalk Pavers, you-name-it!  All purchases are documented on one single invoice, a great resource to keep handy when several months down the road, you wonder if you’ve sent in your check for tickets, the yearbook, etc.  


This is a special Market with a ribbon-cutting for the first-ever Market held in the new school building.  Meet The Teacher occurs in conjunction with the Market as follows:  


*       Pre-K students and parents will meet their teacher in the classroom from 8:30-9:30.


*       A Kindergarten Welcome will be held from 8:30-9:30 in the cafeteria.


*       Grades 1-5 will meet their teachers from 10:00-11:00 in the classroom.  


And, make special note of the staff’s guided tour of the new building from 11:00-12:00.


You won’t want to miss this opportunity to take care of your school business and get off on the right foot when school starts on August 22nd!