I recently attended a Global Leadership Seminar and was struck by the incredible amount of resources that we have at our disposal in order to accelerate our journey along whatever path we choose to take.
The very fact that we get to choose our own path is an incredible boost not unlike launching a rocket from the back of a glider at the edge of the atmosphere rather than from a muddy valley floor in a 3rd world country.
As I come away from these few days of inspiration I am reminded of the many seminars that I have attended and then promptly returned back to the perspiration of the daily grind only to leave the charcoal briquettes of wisdom and truth which could be used to fuel my journey laying in the dust or in many cases on a shelf as I pull myself along thru my day or week that is even more congested due to my being checked out for a few days.
If you can relate then perhaps it would be good for you to join me as attempt to blow air on the embers and forge a fire from the sparks of this latest seminar that may be used to effect a lasting change in the velocity of our collective paths.
Over the next few post I will dive into the take-aways from the speakers I heard and the impact they have had on my journey with the knowledge that they will have a similar impact in yours if you allow them to by embracing their spark as your own and blowing on the embers in your life.