
Military Home Inspections in Fayetteville, NC

Home Inspector with Carolina's Best Home Inspections 1051

Home Inspections in the Fayetteville /Fort Bragg N.C. Area
         I do Home Inspections surrounding Fort Bragg, NC. This means that I serve Hoke county, Cumberland County, Harnett County, Lee County,  Fayetteville, Spring Lake, Cameron, Sanford, Raeford, and Hope Mills. We have been blessed with the expansion at Fort Bragg. Most of my Home Inspections  are for Military personnel. Many of these people are involved with the Special Forces, SOCOM, and FORSCOM. Some are in the Air Force. A lot of soldiers have relocated to the Fort Bragg area during the past couple of years and more are coming in. I have enjoyed inspecting for them. Having been a soldier myself I can relate to them. I also appreciate our men and women in uniform. Many of the soldiers I meet have been to Afghanistan and/or Iraq. They have risked their lives. I have done home inspections for soldiers who have been wounded and handicapped for life. One soldier had been overseas four times and had been wounded that many times. This week a soldier showed me four different wounds on his body. I try to do the Best Home Inspection possible that I can for everyone, but I especially want to do my best for these people. I wish our elected officials would do a better job of leading our country.  It’s the least that can be done for these brave men and women.
         I live in Southern Pines, NC, near the edge of the Fort Bragg reservation. I have lived in the Southern Pines/Pinehurst area since 1974, when I was honorably discharged after serving 3 years in the 18th Airborne Corps.  I actually lived off post in Southern Pines for several months before I was discharged. I remember falling to sleep driving down Manchester Road on the way to Main Post. It was so hard to stay awake on that road early in the morning. Today, over 35 years later, I’m still making that drive every week. I do a lot of inspections in Fayetteville and cross Fort Bragg to get there. I also cross Fort Bragg to go to Hope Mills and Spring Lake.   Pinehurst, Aberdeen, Carthage, and Whispering Pines are very close to my house, but the greatest numbers of soldiers re-locate to Hoke, Cumberland, and Harnett counties.
         I enjoy the Home Inspection business because I am good at it. I enjoy knowing I have done a good inspection and have helped someone understand the condition of the property they are purchasing. It’s a good feeling to know you have helped a family. Because I am a Bible Believing Christian I always want to say something about Jesus Christ to those who come to the inspection, but I don’t always see an appropriate opportunity and I do not want to force such a discussion on those who are paying me to examine their house and who would not appreciate it. I find enjoyment then in knowing I have done a good job for them and that I have tried to be the Best Home Inspector possible for them.
Because  I have been a General Contractor since 1984 I am very familiar with the construction of houses.  I also have a Certified Indoor Air Quality designation which means that I know something about mold and do mold inspections. There is a great need for mold inspectors and mold remediation  in conjunction with the home inspection, because the climate in our area produces a lot of mold.    You can read my blog on crawlapces that explains this moisture problem in datail.

I offer great Military Discounts!  See our Website for a Discount Coupon.

                           Thank You for All You Do!                                                                                                                   

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Krista Lombardi
Prudential Calfornia Realty - San Diego, CA

Good to know. Thanks for your post.

Aug 16, 2011 06:41 AM