
Problems with Moisture in Homes in the Fort Bragg Area

Home Inspector with Carolina's Best Home Inspections 1051

Problems with Moisture in Crawlspaces
          I am a NC licensed Home Inspector, serving the Ft. Bragg, NC area, including Moore County (Southern Pines, Pinehurst, Whispering Pines, Seven Lakes, Carthage, ), Hoke County (Raeford, Hope Mills), Cumberland County (Fayetteville, Spring Lake), Harnett County (Lillington, Cameron) and Lee County (Sanford).  By far, the most serious issues and the most problematic issues related to homes in our area are water related issues. Water problems in a home are either from rain water, ground water, a leak in a pipe, or condensation. Pipe leaks are usually easy to fix once they are discovered. Rain water issues impact the attic and crawlspace. Roof repair takes care of the attic. But the crawlspace is a different story. Rain water must be managed by a gutter system in many cases to prevent it from entering the crawlspace. Ground water will seep into a crawlspace if it can. Grading can often cure ground water problems. In our area one of the biggest problems in attics and crawlspaces is condensation. Condensation causes mold in dark attics and crawlspaces. Condensation occurs because warm humid air comes in contact with a cold surface. This can happen when heat from the house rises into the attic due to inadequate insulation or voids in the attic insulation. The warm air from the house meets the cold building materials in the attic and condensation is formed.  If the attic also has insufficient ventilation, you have a recipe for mold. The mold may simply make the rafters look dark, or it may look like light gray splotches. Most people don’t even know it’s there and all the while it is growing . Many home inspectors don’t pay any attention to it. But a good home inspector will point out that there is a problem with the insulation and/or ventilation that needs to be remedied. The cure is another story.
          Condensation also occurs VERY often in our crawlspaces. There is an EPIDEMIC  OF MOLD in our crawlspaces because of condensation.  The only way to stop this condition is to change the climate in the crawlspace. Traditionally we have built houses with foundation vents. The number of vents was based upon the cubic feet of crawlspace. This method has turned out to be an utter failure. Warm air rolls into the crawlspace from outside and comes in contact with cold ducts and building materials. Condensation forms. The folks upstairs who are going about their daily lives are oblivious to the fact that while they are working, sleeping, eating, watching tv, etc., mold is growing just underneath them. Again and again I inspect homes that are immaculate inside and that have finely manicured lawns. All that you see is in order.  But it’s what you don’t see that isn’t in order! Down under that beautiful home often lurks a nightmare. And as long as the crawlspace climate remains damp the nightmare is going to continue, the mold will keep growing. It may develop into other forms of mold.
          Identifying the problem is the first step. This is (should be) the job of the Home Inspector. Fixing the problem is something else again. This is the job of a Crawlspace contractor. But here again we have a problem. Crawlspace contractors are quickly gaining a reputation for being more interested in making a lot of money than in treating others as they would want to be treated, and competently solving the moisture problem.
Recently I inspected a home where a widow woman had been sold a sealed crawlspace system by a local crawlspace contractor.  She paid the contractor a lot of money to remedy her crawlspace. As I walked around the house I observed that the grade did not flow away from the house but toward the house. I also observed multiple gutter downspouts emptying water at the foundation. The crawlspace contractor was paid a lot of money to clean up mold, install a sealed crawlspace system, and provide two expensive dehumidifiers. But he didn’t mention that every time it rained huge amounts of water was pouring into the crawlspace from the gutter downspouts. At the time of my inspection that water was still pouring into the crawlspace, only now it is going underneath 20 mil plastic! It was clear to me that throwing money at the problem was not the solution! That alone is not the right way to fix the situation.   
          As I continue to see these kinds of problems during Home Inspections, I am increasingly mindful that there is a need for conscientious contractors to properly tackle attic and crawlspace moisture problems. I will therefore be available as a consultant if you have a water or condensation problem .

CALL ME AT - 910-690-4691  if you would like to discuss any moisture problems