I have a friend who has the most awesome avo tree here in Maui Meadows, each year around this time, it produces the the most amazing avocado's. The fruit is almost perfectly round, is from 4"-7" across, and is not stringy or lumpy. We usually get 2 large bowls of guacamole from each one, or several avocado sandwiches. I hope to graft this tree someday, as it is not a variety that I've found in the stores and it has been grown using organic gardening methods. It seems like the typical avocado sold in the big supermarket on Maui are the Sharwill or the Hass (shipped from the mainland). Often in the health food stores I find Maui grown avocados of different varieties.
Here's a picture of todays avocado. I did a little research and found that avocados is native to Mexico, Central America and South America, the earliest proof of it's existence is from the 8th century. (an Avocado was buried with a mummy.) they have long been known as aphrodisiacs even though there is no scientific evidence of this. The milky substance from the seed turns red when exposed to air, the Conquistadors used this substance as an ink, and there are still documents today that were written with this ink. The first avocado tree in America was planted by a Florida Judge in 1833. Avocado trees need another avocado tree to cross pollinate and produce fruit in 1-3 years, a healthy tree can produce for 200 years! Maui is a great place for growing healthy avocado trees.
Contact Karen Williamson, your Maui real estate agent about buying property on Maui.