
Mark your calendars now!

Real Estate Agent with Keller Williams Mid Wilshire- Larchmont CalBRE# 01881029

then... Plan to attend Neighbors United’s 30th Anniversary Block Party on Saturday, August 27 from 12 noon until 5:00 p.m.

BP artwork

This Block Party is taking us back to where it all began—the 1900 block of Stearns Drive—and we’ve expanded to the 2000 block.  For our neighbors who moved to Faircrest Heights since the year 2000, you missed our annual block parties.  We celebrated our 20th in 2001.  From that time on we have held smaller gatherings at LACES or skipped the celebrations altogether.

During the 20 years of block parties, a group of neighborhood “cooks” worked for two days prior buying approximately 100 chickens, washing and seasoning them.  On party day, they’d fire up their grills as early as 6:00 a.m. and barbecue the chickens, along with hot dogs and hamburgers.  Neighbors brought potluck items, including salads, desserts, and fruit.  We had performances by our talented neighbors, games and prizes.  We sold tickets for as little as $5 per household of four.

For our 30th anniversary we will have hot dogs, hamburgers, popcorn, ice cream, games and prizes, and special guests.  We’ll have great entertainment by our talented neighbors and many of our neighbors will bring potluck items (see the suggested list below).  However, thanks to generous donations from community sponsors, this year all of this will be FREE!!!!!  You will need tickets for food so sign up and be counted.

Your Questions About the 30th Anniversary Block Party Answered Here

  1. What time does the party start?  The party is from 12 noon until 5:00 p.m.

  2. Where’s the party?  The party is on the 1900 and 2000 blocks of Stearns Drive.  Enter at Stearns Drive and Sawyer Street.

  3. How much are the tickets? - NO CHARGE!  But everyone will need a ticket to get food.  Fill out the form below on the newsletter and get tickets from your block captain in advance.  We will have tickets at the event, but want people to get tickets in advance so we can plan for an approximate number people we can expect. .

  4. What shall I bring?  Neighbors are not required to bring a dish.  If you would like to bring something here are guidelines:  Food will be served from 1:00 until 2:30 p.m. or until it’s gone.  No food will be served after that. Food should be brought no later than 12:30 p.m.  Food items that should be refrigerated should be brought on ice.

    Fruit:  Airdrome, Alvira, Fairfax, Guthrie, Hi Point, Ogden Drive, Pickford, Saturn
    Desserts:  Crescent Heights, Stearns Drive
    Salads: Hayworth, Point View

  5. What kind of entertainment will there be?  We’ll have music by the Derrick Preston band, Doozy, a Grammy Award winning artist, and Rob Sandiford and Abel Kimm; juggling, karate lessons, line dancing, arts and crafts and a bounce house; and much, much more.

  6. When will Stearns Drive be closed to traffic?  The 1900 and 2000 blocks of Stearns Drive and Guthrie Street between Crescent Heights and Point View will be closed from 7:00 a.m. until 6:00 p.m. on August 27.

  7. What kind of help is needed?  1) We need help with setting up and decorating beginning at 7:00 a.m. on party day; 2) Welcome tables;  3) Bounce house; 4) Vendor assistance; 5) photography, etc.; 6) serving food; 7) wrapping prizes; 9) distributing prizes; 8) taking food tickets.

How can we get T-Shirts?  Let us know below no later than August 20 if you’d like to purchase T-shirts.  T-shirts can be ordered in advance on the form below so they can be worn to the party.  The price will be $10.  Also T-shirts will be available for sale at the party.

TO SUPPORT OUR 30th ANNIVERSARY & OUR COMMUNITY – WE WILL DONATE TO THE NEIGHBORS UNITED FUND 10% every time we make a sale from a referral anywhere in Los Angeles if your name & Neighbors United is mentioned. 

Call us anytime for any of your Real Estate needs!

Please share this with family & friends.

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Laura Anderson
