
Solving a Staging Dilemma - My Latest REALTOR® Magazine Article

Home Stager with Dezigner Digz



Staging with sectional sofas can sometimes be a challenge, particularly if each section doesn't have finished edges.  What if you're dealing with a limited budget and that's all you have to work with?

Read my latest REALTOR® Magazine article How 2 Use a Sectional Sofa to Solve a Staging Dilemma on a Limited Budget to see what we've done with sectionals on a couple of our staging projects.

The property shown in the photos above sold in 6 days.  The fact that we were able to change the furniture layout and create a bonus room out of 'bits and pieces' of the sofa helped to move this property quickly.

In fact, here's what the Realtor® had to say:

"We've had nothing but rave reviews!!  You did an absolutely amazing job and still managed to use the client's furnishings that were extremely difficult to integrate into the design plan.  You are truly a master of your craft!  Big kudos to you!"

If you're serious about selling your home, but have a limited budget, don't let that scare you from calling in a professional Home Stager.  You'll be surprised at what can be done, even with a limited budget, to help transform your home.


Dezigner Digz is Burlington, Ontario's premier home staging and interior decorating firm serving Ancaster, Hamilton, Burlington, Waterdown, Stoney Creek, Oakville and surrounding areas.  Our work is featured in the book FabJob Guide to Become a Home Stager, 2009 edition.

The owner, Charlene Storozuk is a member of both the Canadian Decorators Association (CDECA) and the Real Estate Staging Association (RESA).  She serves on RESA's Executive Committee as Regional Vice-President Canada.  Charlene has written several articles on home staging, some of which have been published by the International Business Times and the Women's Council of REALTORS®.  She is also a Contributing Blogger for REALTOR® Magazine.

For more information about us, visit our website at



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Cherise Selley
Selley Group Real Estate, LLC - Colorado Springs, CO
Colorado Springs Realtor


Wonderful to see you published with this article and the before and after shot does not require additional words.  No staging of my complement is required... g

Aug 19, 2011 08:55 AM
Toronto, ON

Hi Charlene - You seem to be quoted in REALTOR Magazine on a very regular basis.

Aug 19, 2011 05:47 PM
Wendy Tomm
Beyond the Walls - East St Paul, MB
CCSP, RESA-PRO, BBB - Wpg Realtors

Charlene - nice photos and great post. AM now going to read the sectional fix.

Aug 20, 2011 03:05 AM
Julia Maher
Nestings: Connecticut Home Staging and Model Homes - Fairfield, CT
Connecticut Home Stager

Hello, Charlene!  Now THAT'S using what you have - with great flair!

Aug 20, 2011 03:37 AM
Wanda Richards
Shows Great Home Staging and Web Solutions - Roanoke, VA
Shows Great Home Staging

Charlene - Now that is what I call thinking outside the box.  Great post! 

Aug 20, 2011 11:08 AM
Cathy Lee
CL Design Services Home Staging - Danville, CA

Charlene~you are the staging Queen. Kudos to you!

Aug 21, 2011 03:04 PM
Charlene Storozuk
Dezigner Digz - Burlington, ON
Home Stager - Burlington Ontario

Janice - This was the consultation referral that you sent me. They ended up calling me back in to do some staging afterwards. Thank you again for the referral :-)

Aug 22, 2011 06:38 AM
Charlene Storozuk
Dezigner Digz - Burlington, ON
Home Stager - Burlington Ontario

Daniel - Thank you! You're right, there are many small things that can help with the presentation of a property.  They can really add up to make a huge difference.

Aug 22, 2011 06:40 AM
Charlene Storozuk
Dezigner Digz - Burlington, ON
Home Stager - Burlington Ontario

Kathy - Thank you! Yes, those sectional sofas seem to pop up quite often, don't they? :-)

Aug 22, 2011 06:40 AM
Charlene Storozuk
Dezigner Digz - Burlington, ON
Home Stager - Burlington Ontario

Gordon - We were happy to be able to create a bonus room from leftover pieces from the sofa.  The photos give an idea of what it looked like. It's too bad we didn't capture the before though.

Aug 22, 2011 06:48 AM
Charlene Storozuk
Dezigner Digz - Burlington, ON
Home Stager - Burlington Ontario

Marc - I've been a bit lax at sending them in articles lately.  I must start making a little more time to do that in the future.

Aug 22, 2011 06:49 AM
Charlene Storozuk
Dezigner Digz - Burlington, ON
Home Stager - Burlington Ontario

Wendy - Thanks for your kind words. I hope you enjoyed the article.

Aug 22, 2011 06:50 AM
Charlene Storozuk
Dezigner Digz - Burlington, ON
Home Stager - Burlington Ontario

Julia - Thank you so much!

Aug 22, 2011 06:51 AM
Charlene Storozuk
Dezigner Digz - Burlington, ON
Home Stager - Burlington Ontario

Wanda - I enjoyed the challenge on this one.  Thanks for your kind words.

Aug 22, 2011 06:52 AM
Charlene Storozuk
Dezigner Digz - Burlington, ON
Home Stager - Burlington Ontario

Cathy - You are SO sweet, thank you :-)

Aug 22, 2011 06:53 AM
Janet Jones
Just Your Style Interiors, LLC - Kihei, HI
Home Staging, Interior Redesign Kihei, Maui, Hawaii

Hi Charlene--great article and great post.  There are very few spaces that I see a sectional in that make me smile.  Very clever use of the pieces and great job helping them get it sold in 6 days. 

Aug 26, 2011 03:14 AM
Birgit Anich
Birgit Anich Staging & Interiors, 203.807.4040 - Norwalk, CT
CT Home Stager Fairfield & New Haven County

Charlene, great post.

Congratulations your post has been featured on the Realtors and Home Stagers Information Exchange!


Sep 07, 2011 02:11 AM
Charlene Storozuk
Dezigner Digz - Burlington, ON
Home Stager - Burlington Ontario

Janet - Thank you very much!  Those sectionals sure can make you smile sometimes :-)  I was really happy that it sold so quickly. 

Sep 15, 2011 06:49 AM
Charlene Storozuk
Dezigner Digz - Burlington, ON
Home Stager - Burlington Ontario

Birgit - Thanks very much!

Sep 15, 2011 06:49 AM
Michael Elliott
Fathom Realty - Burlington Township, NJ
Burlington, New Jersey Residential Sales

Congratulations on your latest article, you sure do know your stuff!

May 29, 2024 05:55 AM