
Titans & Bucs...

Mortgage and Lending with Tennessee Valley Home Loans

So my husband & I went with 3 other couples to see our team (the Titans) play against the Tampa Bay Bucs about a week & a half ago.

Did we think we were going to win?  Heck yeah!! 

Did we think we were going to get on t.v. with our shirts that spelled out G-O-T-I-T-A-N-S, you bet we did, ESPN maybe?

Did we think we'd be gloating over 70,000 fans?  Yep.

Did any of that happen?

UM NO!  ;)

Somehow the Bucs pulled off the win.  The fans were very happy (to say the least) and it was hot as the dickens!! I got a good little fall tan (which wouldn't of happened had I stayed home) and found out that RV'ng is a little more scary than I initially thought.  There were some turns that I really didn't think we were going to make it out of. 

But all in all we had a great time, the fans were very nice, even if we did come back to the RV with Tampa Bay flags hanging all over it.  And it was a great weekend had by all. 

It was fall break for my children so all of last week consisted of a vacation of some sort or the other & I have to say I am VERY glad to be back at work.  Although I did a little bit of work while I was gone, I did miss my job. 

I LOVE my work & can't wait to get back into the swing of things & actually I hope I don't have another vacation any time soon.