
Registering for Kindergarten in Fairfax County Schools

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Registering for Kindergarten in Fairfax County Schools


Kindergarten in Fairfax County SchoolsRegistering for Kindergarten is an anxious and exciting time for parents and their little princes and princesses.  If you have a little prince or princess who will be five on or before September 30, 2011, then it is time to register for the 2011 - 2012 Kindergarten school year in Fairfax County.  For information on the learning behaviors your child will experience during his or her first year of Kindergarten, please review the information below.  This information can also be used to gauge your child's level of success in adapting these behaviors.  For a copy of the Fairfax County School Calendar 2011-2012, simply follow the preceding link.




Kindergarten in Fairfax County Schools

Oral Language, Reading, Writing


• Says his or her first name.

• Follows simple instructions.

• Begins to share thoughts and opinions.

• Answers simple questions.

• Listens to stories read each day.

• Recites some nursery rhymes.

• Retells a familiar event or story.

• Participates in word play (cat, fat, mat).

• Identifies some colors.

• Discusses a favorite story.

• Talks about pictures.

• Pretends to read a book.

• Identifies some letters in the alphabet.

• Writes his or her first name.

• Attempts writing by using scribbling or marks that resemble print.



Kindergarten in Fairfax CountyMathematics


• Shows awareness of shapes in the environment.

• Begins to match objects (socks, shoes, mittens, gloves).

• Begins to notice similarities and differences.

• Shows awareness of sorting and classifying objects.

• Uses math language (bigger and smaller).

• Attempts to play counting games.

• Attempts to count to ten.

• Touches or points at objects when counting.

• Begins to compare objects by size.



 Kindergarten in Fairfax CountySocial and Emotional


• Sometimes makes choices.

• Begins to takes turns.

• Uses self-help skills (dressing, toileting, eating).

• Begins to share with others.

• Frequently uses self-control.

• Helps with chores at home.

• Begins to demonstrate independence.

• Frequently completes tasks with adult assistance.

• Begins to show self-confidence.

• Sometimes tries new things.

• Expresses thoughts and feelings.





• Runs, marches, gallops, or jumps.

• Throws and catches a ball.

• Alternates feet when walking up steps.

• Attempts to button and zip.

• Assembles easy puzzles.

• Uses crayons.


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Lisa Dunham, MBA
Associate Broker
Keller Williams Realty Alexandria-Kingstowne
703.562.1800 (office)  |  703.298-6546 (direct)
Licensed in VA, MD
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Ellie McIntire
Ellicott City Clarksville Howard County Maryland Real Estate - Ellicott City, MD
Luxury service in Central Maryland

If they need to be 5 by Septemebr 30th that would not be like anywhere else in the Country. The usual cut off is August 31st.

Aug 21, 2011 12:04 PM
Norma Toering Broker for Palos Verdes and Beach Cities
Charlemagne International Properties - Rancho Palos Verdes, CA
Palos Verdes Luxury Homes in L.A.

Kids are expected to have acquired many skills before kindergarten--we really do have many of the skills we need by age 5--and that's pretty amazing.  By the way, cut off for my youngest son was Oct. 1 and with a late September birthday he was always the youngest in the class.

Aug 21, 2011 01:25 PM
Lisa Dunham
Alexandria, VA
Associate Broker, Alexandria Virginia Real Estate

Actually Ellie, that is quite the contrary! Check this out  

Note, the cut-off date in Maryland is December 31.

Aug 21, 2011 01:35 PM
Lisa Dunham
Alexandria, VA
Associate Broker, Alexandria Virginia Real Estate

Norma, many states have a much longer cut-off date.  In my neighboring state of Maryland, the cut-off date is December 31.  My daughter's birthday is mid September so I am thrilled that the cut-off date is September 30.

Aug 21, 2011 01:41 PM
Cathy Criado
Criado Realty - San Antonio, TX
Making Real Estate Profitable

Lisa, I love this!  You have provided some valuable information to help kids start school right!  I used to have a ridiculous neighbor, an older dad, who said he had to put his son back in the Kinder.  I asked why?  He said he didn't know he was supposed to teach his kids anything before going to Kinder.  "That's what teachers are for"  - Oh poor kid!

Aug 21, 2011 03:12 PM
Lisa Dunham
Alexandria, VA
Associate Broker, Alexandria Virginia Real Estate

Thanks Cathy!  You know it was you and Jerry who inspired me to do the school postings right?  Since you inspired it, I am really glad you like it!  And yeah .. poor kid! :-)

Aug 21, 2011 03:19 PM
Dee Mayers
Covina, CA
San Gabriel Valley, CA

Education has been placed on a pedestal in this competitive world and kindergarten is the first step in this journey.  I hope the journey is as peaceful as possible.   Good blog!

Yikes, just heard there was an earthquake in Richmond, did you feel it?

Aug 23, 2011 04:22 PM
Lisa Dunham
Alexandria, VA
Associate Broker, Alexandria Virginia Real Estate

Thanks Dee!  And yes, I was home when the earthquake hit and I did feel it.  It was my very first quake experience and I hope never to have another one. :-)

Aug 23, 2011 04:58 PM