
Why Google Blogger?

Education & Training with Sommers Communication

TakeOnTheNetMy son Josh and I just completed a set of 110 Google Blogger Videos demonstrating how to use every tool available in Blogger's arsenal. It is the most comprehensive Blogger video program created to date. But why Blogger and not Wordpress?

Blogger is quite simply the easiest blogging platform on the planet. You can have your own blog up on the Internet in less than four minutes without the help of a technician. It's that easy.

Blogger is spam free. I have over 20 blogs with Google ranging from Likability Marketing to Farming a Community with Blogger. To date I've not received a single piece of spam. Not one.

Blogger is completely free. There are no monthly fees and no set-up fees. Sure there is a "free" version of Wordpress but you pay for "free" by allowing to place Google Adsense ads on your site. That's not necessarily a bad idea except for the fact that you don't earn the revenue. It goes to With Blogger you have a choice. If you want ads on your site you can certainly add them and earn the revenue.

Blogger has some really cool templates. And if you don't like the templates offered by Google you can get some additional cool free templates from sites like FinalSense. I must admit, there are some great templates for Wordpress as well, but not on their free site.

Blogger has a very good help community. If you want even more help you can go to our new Blogger forum and get your Blogger questions answered even quicker. There are very qualified people ready and willing to help at Google and TakeOnTheNet.

Blogger vs. Wordpress
I like them both. We started with Blogger for the above reasons. In the near future we will put together a series of videos on Wordpress and I will write an article entitled, "Why Wordpress and Not Blogger?" Both blog platforms are great. You can't go wrong with either of them.

One of the great features of Wordpress is how easy they make if for you to convert your Blogger blog to a Wordpress blog. It takes about six-seconds. I use Wordpress to back-up the content on my Blogger blog. If you know how to create a blog on Blogger, working with Wordpress is a snap. Thank you Wordpress. 

Learn to blog 

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Hayden Gerson
HPM Financial LLC - San Diego, CA
I prefer wordpress as I have both. Your blogger blog on the top of the page has a link to a random blog, you can not control that. It can send people to blogs with graphic content and consumers can think that you are associated. Blogger does not allow domain mapping either.
Oct 22, 2007 07:08 PM
Bob Sommers
Sommers Communication - Kihei, HI
The Likeability Guy

Hi Hayden:

Do you have the free version of or are you using on your server? 

Oct 22, 2007 07:10 PM
Hayden Gerson
HPM Financial LLC - San Diego, CA
I pay for wordpress (15 per month) and they host it, I found the design features and all the other stuff to be much better, also you can have multiple authors. Check out my blog and tell me what you think,
Oct 22, 2007 07:12 PM
Jacqulyn Richey
Prominent Realty Group - Las Vegas, NV
Las Vegas Real Estate
I have to say that WordPress is a far better solution. I have a blogger blog and wish it was on Wordpress from the start. You can have it transfered to your own domain pretty easy. BUT as free platforms go, they are both pretty good. -Charles
Oct 22, 2007 07:12 PM
Bob Sommers
Sommers Communication - Kihei, HI
The Likeability Guy

Hi again Hayden:

You mentioned that you can not control the link to random Blogger blogs seen at the top of most Blogger sites. Not true. Please notice how it is not on our blog at It is easy to remove. 

Oct 22, 2007 07:12 PM
Bob Sommers
Sommers Communication - Kihei, HI
The Likeability Guy

I would agree that the paid Wordpress blog is very good. I also like sites that are build by professional web designers. But in this article I was comparing the free versions of both. As you know, 99% of real estate agents can not FTP a Wordpress blog to their server without help. With Blogger it is a no-brainer.

I'm going to look at your site now Hayden. Thanks

Oct 22, 2007 07:16 PM
Bob Sommers
Sommers Communication - Kihei, HI
The Likeability Guy

There is a lot of mis-understanding about Google Blogger. You certainly can have multiple authors (as I do on many of my blogs) and you can easily transfer your domain name just as you do on Wordpress. Our website was build with Google Blogger and it has multiple authors and a .com domain name.

Please, don't get me wrong. I have blogs with both and and I like them both. But for ease of use and cost, you can't beat Blogger. 

Oct 22, 2007 07:27 PM
Gita Bantwal
RE/MAX Centre Realtors - Warwick, PA
REALTOR,ABR,CRS,SRES,GRI - Bucks County & Philadel
Thanks for the post.I will bookmark this and try it soon. Sounds easy to use.
Oct 22, 2007 11:05 PM
Yvonne Beal
Absolute Realty Company LLC - Chapel Hill, NC
Chatham County Real Estate Expert
This definitely peaks my to investigate, thanks for the tip!
Oct 22, 2007 11:08 PM
» Bill Burress Nationwide Mortgage Originator
» Bill Burress Nationwide Mortgage Originator - Fort Myers, FL


Good post.  Just a reminder.  Don't cut and paste your posts from one site to another.  Their is a search engine penalty for this.

Oct 23, 2007 12:10 AM
Bob Sommers
Sommers Communication - Kihei, HI
The Likeability Guy

Hi Bill:

Are you referring to the graphic of my site? If so, there are no search engine penalties. Google can not read graphics. Also, this post is not located anywhere else on the Internet. What are you referring to please?


Oct 23, 2007 05:19 AM
Georgie Hunter R(S) 58089
Hawai'i Life Real Estate Brokers - Haiku, HI
Maui Real Estate sales and lifestyle info

Hi Bob,

I just found you here on AR - who knew?  Thanks for the link with blogging help, I'll check it out.  I see you're not that active here, so I suspect your favorite place must be Wordpress or somwhere else.

 aloha - Georgie

Jan 14, 2008 06:46 AM
Dave Keys
MOVE UP in Google Search Learn How Here - Brea, CA
Chief Search Strategist Real Estate SEO Expert

How does one push a blogger > wordpress in 6 seconds?

Aug 28, 2008 01:08 PM
Brad Andersohn
Retired Executive Director of Education at eXp - Boulder Creek, CA
ActiveBrad - 707.646.1876

Hi Bob - just wanted to leave you a comment to keep this post alive.  I use both platforms and have found many benefits of each.  I think it just depends on what you want to do and how much time you have to do it and still run a business and have a life.  I have 3 Blogs on Blogger and 3 on Wordpress and I have to tell ya, I think I love em both.  But for the record, my most favorite blogsite is ActiveRain!!  :-))

Dec 30, 2008 05:13 PM