"Yikes Mom & Dad!" It is back to school for Amherst, NH students....YIPPIE! Lets get the basics out of the way first; here is the most critical link I can share with you if you have children in SAU #39 this year.
For those of us with students playing on a fall sports team, you got a nice early start on the school calendar last week....or maybe even several weeks ago for football parents. My new high school student, Hannah, decided to try out for the girls soccer team for the first time ever. Nearly-zero experience and she made the JV Soccer team as the goalie! You go Hannah!! Try-outs were last week with 2-a-days......team practice started this week.....2-a-days again. Let the car pooling begin.
While school registration is Monday, August 29th for Souhegan High School students, I also have a HUGE star on my family calendar for this Friday, August 26th when my oldest daughter experiences Freshman move-in day at the University of Vermont. Where in the heck did the time go between 1st grade and Freshman year at a university??
Oh The School Supply Lists!
We had multiple lists of things to pack, and like Santa, we've made our list and checked it twice. Hum, make that "lists". We have the new High School student list and the new College Student list. Here is a great article of the 18 Overlooked things every college student should bring along. Check and check, we have them.
Here is the link to the Amherst, NH School Supply List
Good luck to all of our Souhegan School District students as they step out and into a new year! Check those lists (and pack your backpacks, lunch bags, dorm totes and sports bags).
Photo Credit: Flickr: Lovebird Ladybird