
TEXAS Chili Anyone??

Real Estate Agent with Keller Williams Realty ®

So, even though I'm not a native Texan, I have come to learn a few things about Texans since I've been here.  First if all...the truth that everyone know, which is that everything is Bigger in TExas!  Bigger hats, bigger Football, Bigger Plates, Bigger Land!, and of course Bigger houses for your money!

Another thing about Texas is that Texans love to make everything uniquely theirs ( I would say ours, but I'm still earning my stripes ;)) for instance we have Texas Burgers, Texas Steaks, Texas Chili (I'll talk more about that later) and even Tex-mex food :)

Welcome to TX

Have you ever seen anyone else wear a T-shirt that proclaims pride about belonging to their state?? 

You don't see many people with "Proud to be a an Illinoisan" plastered across their chests on shirts or even on skin.

(I can attest to this, cause I lived in Chicago for quite a while, once upon a time). Texas is a Unique place, and if you're ever considering relocating, to somewhere that's warmer, and maybe a little bit friendlier, and not to mention Unique in many ways think about Texas; more specifically think about Austin, TX.  It's not the Biggest city in Texas, but neither is it the fattest, or most congested ;).  I dare say it might actually be the most beautiful hey, maybe that's part of why they picked it to be the capital ;) 


So onto Texas Chili :), which is traditionally made without the beans down here in Texas.  Independence title held their 3rd annual Chili cook-off last week in Round rock, TX.

And Our Williamson county Keller Williams office competed against other Real Estate Agencies and title companies, and ended up taking away 2 out of the 3 Prizes awarded that day :)...GO KW.   One for People's choice, and one for SHOWMANSHIP!....and boy oh boy did we earn that one :p.  Our theme this year was "Knock-out Chili". Knock out chili

So we Created an actual Boxing ring around our tables, complete with punching bag, boxing gloves, and even a cow-bell we used as the round bell :).  We were able to claim the prize with all of this, along with a staged boxing match b/w a supporter and myself :).  I got a great big kick out of this, since I have my own gloves, and they actually do get used :).  Each each got knocked-out and caught by other KW agents in concurrent rounds, and had a great great time, and made way too much noise :)...but hey, we won, and we had fun doing it.

here are a few pics of the action..Enjoy!

Knock-out Ready Howdy!

                         Knock-out Ready                                                          Eastwood and Ali, anyone?


RealtorsThe Win

A Realtor that knows how to laugh at herself, can make a lot of things lighter for you, and keep you happy while she works for you. Don't you think so?  i do!


till next time


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Christine Melcher
Fifth Third Bank - Brunswick, OH
The Loan Lady

Illinoisian, I never knew that!  I'm an Ohioan, sounds right, Illinoisian? too may letters...Texans OK.

Send the Chili!

Oct 23, 2007 09:51 AM
Funmi Nwokolo
Keller Williams Realty ® - Round Rock, TX
Realtor -

Ohioan?  yeah...still doesn't roll off your tongue like Texan! ;)..truth be told, i was actually born an Ohioan :p...but I've been all over the place since then :-)

Oct 23, 2007 02:34 PM