
Is a Short Sale for You?

Real Estate Agent with Looking For a Real Estate Value in Cape Coral or Fort Myers? 3043061

Are you heading towards foreclosure? You are not alone, thousands of people are in the same situation. I'm sure you bought this property in the height of the market, have negative equity and have stopped making payments for good reasons. There is a solution! I can help you! Lenders are now accepting less money than owed on your mortgage. The lender does not want to take your house back and will allow a sale current market value. It's called a Short Sale. All lenders are accepting short sales at a record pace.

Through the HAFA program, you can get relocation funds. I’ve even had several banks offer the homeowners funds to sell their home as a short sale.

The key to getting this accomplished is using a Professional Realtor who knows how to take advantage of the market conditions. I am the Realtor you need!  I have years of expertise and steady supply of qualified buyers looking to purchase pre-foreclosure property. Negotiation is the key to success! Once we have an accepted offer my team of expert negotiators will work successfully with your lenders towards a short sale agreement.  An approved short sale saves you from going into foreclosure. My negotiation team will perform due diligence and work effortlessly on your behalf.  They have a solid reputation with many lenders and your short sale will close with minimum effort on your part.

I can help you get off the hook! My advice is FREE & CONFIDENCIAL.
Don't hesitate to contact me and let me explain how this process will work for you … for more info call 239 292 1358

B A R B A R A  K L A R E - Broker Associate

Gulf Coast Realty Network
4002 Del Prado Blvd, Cape Coral, FL 33904
Cell: 239 292 1358   *   Fax: 866 316 9920
Email:  *   Web:


Goran Utvic
Goran Utvic Real Estate Broker/Construction Consultant - Chicago, IL
Chicago 2 Flat Specialist

Barbara - a homeowner should consider a short sale with all the benefits it has over foreclosure.

Sep 09, 2011 02:03 AM
Barbara Klare
Looking For a Real Estate Value in Cape Coral or Fort Myers? - Cape Coral, FL
Broker Associate, Jones & Co Realty

And would you believe there are people out there that haven’t paid the mortgage in over 2 years. They do not want to go through a short sale. They actually believe the bank won’t ever take the house back.

Sep 09, 2011 02:55 AM
Kevin Vitali
EXIT Realty Beatrice Associates - Middleton, MA
Helping Massachusetts Home Buyers and Home Sellers

If you are a homeowner looking at foreclosure, many times a short sale is your best option.

Sep 12, 2011 07:21 AM
Kim & Kristine Halverson
Sotheby's & Knipe ERA - Bend, OR
Sisters, Realtors

All banks will eventually foreclose, short sales are so much better on credit long term.  Great post!  Kristine

Sep 18, 2011 06:43 AM