Preparing Offers To Get The Best Deal: Submitting the Offer
Now that your listing agent has gain lots of valuable insight into a good offer strategy, it is time to make the offer written. After preparing your offer, the listing agent should then submit it via fax or email (whichever method was agreed upon when your agent called the listing agent).
The offer is sent. Now, immediately, there should be a call to the listing agent to confirm receipt. Also, it is very appropriate for your agent to ask the listing agent when they will present the offer to the seller and when to expect a response.
I know what you are thinking – “Wow, this sounds so obvious.”
Ironically, what you don’t know could severely impact your ability to get the best deal.
In the past, I have gotten phone calls from agents asking why we haven’t responded to their offer. And I have had to respond, “What offer??” They never called me. I wasn’t expecting an offer. They didn’t fax it to the right number… or the fax failed. They didn’t send it to the right email address… or the email went to a spam folder. They never confirmed with me via a follow up phone call to make sure I received the email.
This is disturbing on so many levels. First, the so-called Buyer’s Agent did not prepare your offer to help you get the best deal. Second, they were not competent enough to ensure your offer was received in the first place.
We hate to see that people are not being taken care of as they should…