One of the most significant decisions you will make in your lifetime will be the house you buy in Lancaster, PA. You will most likely spend 30 years paying off the mortgage. This will be one of the most rewarding decisions, but has inherent risk built into it. Would it not be wise to work with someone who you can trust, who will guide you through the entire process of buying a home in Lancaster, PA?
One client I represented had several challenges to buying his home. One came the day before settlement was scheduled. This home was a mobile home which was placed upon a foundation. It was a short sale which received approval from the lender and, of course, needed to settle quickly.
This home was purchased by the current owner previously with an FHA mortgage. My client was buying his home with an FHA mortgage. A mobile home is sold with a title, similar to your car. The day before settlement it was discovered there was no proof the title had been surrendered. In theory, a mobile can be moved from one place to another place and the note holder needs the assurance this home will not disappear.
“What do I do?” I asked the closing attorney when we discovered this fact. “How do I help my client buy his home?” “We need to surrender the title and prove it,” he responded.
So I drove 45 minutes to the state capital, Harrisburg, PA to the central headquarters of the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation with the proper paperwork in my hand. The title of the mobile home was surrendered and was now a permanent part of the property. We settled the next day and my client bought his home.
Do you want to buy a home in Lancaster, PA? Please give me a call and I will help you buy that home.