In the first post on communication, I spoke about the importance of clarifying in your own mind what you needed or wanted to ask for. Stephen Covey in Seven Habits of Highly Effective People describes this as beginning with the end in mind.
A second important point of communication is to listen. Do not interrupt. Do not begin thinking about what you are going to say and ignore what the other person may be saying. Listening is a key component of communication. Ask relevant questions and listen to the responses.
When you listen to another person, you discover the values and the motivations of the other person. Are you going to be more effective in your job, in your family and your relationship as a whole, if you truly understand what is driving the other person? The answer is a hearty, “Yes!”
I can explain how I will help the other person achieve his or her goals after I understand what is important to him or her. It makes me a more effective realtor®. It allows me to be a better husband and father. How well do you listen? Truly listen?
If you value communication and want someone who will actually listen to you, please contact me.