A glowing recommendation. It's what everyone wants in their business. Who doesn't want to be acknowledged as being good at what they do? Gallup released their latest poll about feelings about different industries. What's up with this touchy-feely stuff anyway? Feelings, schmeelings... I'm incredulous that in this current time of real estate turmoil, that the real estate industry didn't make the top 5. What's up with that people?
The top 5 were
- Computer Industry
- Restaurant Industry
- Internet Industry
- Farming and Agriculture
- Grocery Industry
- Banking industry
- Health-care industry
- Real estate industry
- Oil and gas industry
- Federal Government

- Continue to have low entry standards. Why pay a dime a dozen when you can get agents for a mere penny per thousand? Forget about going through the effort of requiring more from real estate agents when everyone hates us anyway. Revel in our mediocrity, I say. By the way, I think mediocrity goes well with a nice Chardonnay, maybe with some hummus and tortilla chips.
- Continue with bad marketing. Let's face it, it is much more fun for consumers to guess what is in the photos than it is for them to be helpful. I mean if we take a good picture of the kitchen, what are we supposed to say when we walk into the kitchen with a buyer? I much prefer the current method of "remember that super dark blurry blob on the MLS. That is what we are looking at now, the kitchen. Bet you never would have guessed that, huh." It gives me something to chit chat about with my home buyers instead of standing there looking like I have nothing to say, so I appreciate that some of my peers are looking out for me that way. I like being an expert.
- Continue to over solicit. There is nothing more refreshing than a Facebook or Twitter stream filled with self promotional goo. Goo isn't just for amoebas anymore. I feel so loved to have listings shoved in my face all the time. Who can resist the charms of such enchanted engagement? Personally, I'm thinking of using the water balloon slingshot method of delivery for my business cards to people that have never heard of me. They say that the first impression is the most important, you know.
- Continue to offer nothing of value. Why learn to calculate current inventories when pulling numbers from down under is so much more fun? I'm calling 3 months inventory in Salem Oregon just because I can. I think it sounds impressive to say "Salem has 3 months of inventory." If I lower my voice when I say it, I'll sound more expert-like too. Cool, huh. Taking the time to calculate trends and such...eh, that's for people who know how to use a calculator. I just figured out where the kitchen is in a house, don't ask me for more than that. Sheesh.
- Whatever, this list is too long anyway and I'm tired.