It is time to tour the
Sunnyslope Wine and Food Trail
at the 2011 Festa Wine and Food Event
On September 9-11, 2011
Area wineries will provide a dinner, live music
and plenty of raffler items.
Ticket prices are $30 and include a Commerative Wine Glass
Food is extra!
You can purchase the ticket in advance and receive your wine glass from
the Caldwell Chamber of Commerce or area wine retailers.
On Sunday 9/11 from noon -5
many of the area wineries will meet at the St Chappelle for even more fu
Wineries participating are:
Bitner Vineyards, 16645 Plum Road
Huston Vineyards, 16473 Chicken Dinner Road
Koenig Vineyards, 20928 Grape Lane
Fujishin Family Cellars, 15593 Sunnyslope Road
WIlliamson Orchards, 19692 Williamson Lane
Ste Chapelle 19348 Lowell Road
Sunday Concerts at Ste Chappelle are always a lot of fun!
For more information check out their blog