
Fire Montgomery and 1496

Real Estate Broker/Owner with Brooks Prime Properties Wichita Falls Texas

We had an appointment yesterday afternoon in College Station with the Doctor at Scott and White off Highway 6. Our normal route is to swing around from Bentwater, hit 105 off 149 and just cruise all the way to Hwy 6. Easy does it. As we were just getting started on our trip yesterday, after driving just a few miles beyond Montgomery, the view changed drastically and in a split second. Looking off towards FM 1496 a huge billowing cloud was mushrooming from the trees. Montgomery Fire off 1496

Scott and I couldn't help but feel awful and a pain in our hearts hit hard when it sunk in what we were seeing. We were witnessing a brand new wildfire. And, it was spreading fast. As we began to discuss what we should do the Firetrucks, sirens and lights became visible. We were glad the firefighters were on their way!
I believe this fire is under control after burning 1600 acres and destroying 100 homes.

Please rain.

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Richard Weeks
Dallas, TX
REALTOR®, Broker

So sad to see the destruction cuased by these fires.  Hope conditions change and we see an end to these fires.

Sep 07, 2011 12:30 PM
William Johnson
Retired - La Jolla, CA

Hi Deb, We are heading into our fire season and our temps yesterday and today were in the triple digits. Sure hope your weather changes. These wildfires create wind and that keeps them spreading. It is always sad to hear of the destruction and loss of homes. We lost thousands of homes here in our last big one.

Sep 07, 2011 12:35 PM
Cathy Criado
Criado Realty - San Antonio, TX
Making Real Estate Profitable

We had a fire today about 10 miles from me.  Fortunately at a military installation so they are containing it.  TI so sucks. I think I am going to do fire drill tonight with family home, as they get ready for bed. Prayers! Rain Dance! 

Sep 07, 2011 12:41 PM
Robert Hammerstein -
Christie's International Real Estate - Hillsdale, NJ
Bergen County NJ Real Estate

My sister lives in that county near Austin with all the fires and we've been praying for all of those that are close enough to fear losing their homes.  We'll be happy to share some of the rain we're getting here with you guys.  Our thoughts and prayers are with you!


Sep 07, 2011 12:52 PM
Deb Brooks
Brooks Prime Properties Wichita Falls Texas - Wichita Falls, TX

Richard, this is the very worst I have ever seen. This drought is just the past year and it feels and looks more like two years! So much is dead.

William, I sure know you did lose thousands. It's painful. Texas is up to about 3500 homes lost this year if I'm not mistaken. It's almost too much to bare!

Cathy, it's really frightening! A person could throw a cigarette but in our front yards! So much could happen. I'm glad you are safe and sound. The drill is a good idea. You can never be too prepared.

Lisa, Bandera? Oh my, I will say a prayer for her too. Send the rain! We will take it! Texas can use all the prayers we can get. Thank you for the support.


Sep 07, 2011 01:06 PM
Navona Hart
Century 21 Realty @ Home - Farmville, VA
Selling the Best Properties in Central Virginia

I wish I could send you several inches of the most recent rain in Cnetral Virginia.  100 homes seems so overwhelming.  I hope you and your family stay safe.

Sep 07, 2011 02:01 PM
Peter Pfann @ eXp Realty Pfanntastic Properties in Victoria, Since 1986.
eXp Realty, Victoria BC - Victoria, BC
Talk To or Text Peter 250-213-9490

So sorry to hear of all this devestation. Deb, we sure hope you are getting a bunch of rain is so sad to hear about al these troubles everwhere.

Sep 07, 2011 02:45 PM
Sondra Meyer:
EXP Realty, LLC - Corpus Christi, TX
See It. Experience It. Live It.

Oh no!  When I saw your picture, I was thinking that I'd never seen a cloud like that before.  

I'm praying you all get some rain soon. 

Sep 07, 2011 04:38 PM
Marco Giancola
Beachfront Realty - Miami Beach, FL
Realtor (305)608-1922, Miami Beach Florida

Morning Deb-that must have been a chilling sight for sure. I hope you all get some BIG rain soon-prayin!

Sep 07, 2011 11:35 PM
John Cannata
214-728-0449 - Frisco, TX
Texas Home Mortgage - Purchase or Refinance

The fires have just been awesome South of here. I know the feeling you had because we experienced it a lot in California. Seems there were always brush fires out there.

Sep 08, 2011 05:03 AM
Cal Yoder
Keller Williams Elite - Lititz, PA
Homes For Sale in Lancaster PA - 717.413.0744

OH Deb, my heart and prayers go out to you and to your community. I wish we could send you some of our water. We have had enough and would love to generously share, but somehow it is not that easy. Peace!


Sep 09, 2011 07:19 AM
Kathy Streib
Cypress, TX
Home Stager/Redesign

Deb- been on the phone to friends.  Two of them have ranches but thankfully aren't are safe.. so far. Let's get some rain there!

Sep 09, 2011 09:45 AM