
Make sure your gutters are working before the flooding starts!

Home Inspector with National Home Office

This is a great article from This Old House that I had to share on Installing Rain Gutters. Most of you probably already have gutters installed but don't forget to always check them and clear away leaves and debri that might have them clogged.

Rain gutters and downspouts are necessary to collect and carry away rainwater. Without them, water would erode the soil around the foundation, splash dirt onto the siding and likely leak into the basement or crawlspace.

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Dan Edward Phillips
Dan Edward Phillips - Eureka, CA
Realtor and Broker/Owner

Excellent input for home owners as we enter the fall 'rainy' season.  Now is the time to make the inspection.

Sep 09, 2011 03:23 AM
Win Home Inspection
National Home Office - Madison, AL

Dan thanks for the comment. You're right now is the time!

Sep 09, 2011 08:03 AM