
Fellow Agents .... friends or foes?

Real Estate Agent with Align Real Estate 1219426


Fellow Agents .... friends or foes?


Are you a friend or foe?  What would you do to help a fellow agent?  Anything, nothing, go out of your way NOT to help?  I suppose it all comes down to being sure about who you are and how you feel about others in general, right?


Allow me to explain; yesterday, as I was perusing AR I found a very informative, interesting and enlightening page from a local Sonoma Realtor.  Interestingly, it was the first blog I read, and matter of fact I couldn’t stop reading her blogs because I really enjoyed what I was reading.  I was so impressed that I decided to shoot her an email and see if I could pick her brain about her area.  Mind you, my email was rather vague and didn’t detail exactly what I wanted, but I did ask if she could spare a few minutes to talk with me, a fellow Realtor.  She cheerfully called me a few hours later and we ended up talking for almost an hour.  An hour out of a busy Realtor’s day!!!  Here’s the interesting part….I am relocating to her area.  I’ll be her competition, right?!


Clearly, the odds are stacked against me in a market such as ours.  My undertaking of moving from my large Sacramento hometown and starting over in a new area that is much smaller and tight-knit than my market would appear to some to be professional suicide.  Daunting at the very least, yes?  Sure, but change can do wonders for one’s soul and one’s career!  I digress, but you get the point.


This agent kindly and happily answered every last one of my very probing questions in great detail…..even though I’ll be her competition!  She asked to meet me the next time I’m in town!  We hit it off so well that by the time our conversation had ended (an hour later plus a few dropped calls!) I felt as if I had made a new friend in what is soon to be my new hometown.


So, I ask again….are you a friend or foe?  What are you willing to do to help your fellow Realtors?  What will you give?  Who knows, you may make vital connections you never had, and may one day NEED!   


I challenge you to be a “giver”…. in times like this, we ALL need to stick together~! 


Thanks Kirsten, I owe ya one!!!


Posted by
Shelly Long , Realtor

Cell  916.806.4663

RE/MAX Gold Real Estate

2340 E. Bidwell Street, Folsom, CA 95630

CA DRE #01219426

Successfully representing Buyers AND Sellers since 1997!

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Andrea Peters
Cortiers Real Estate - College Station, TX

That's great! Sounds like you've made an ally in your new area!

Sep 08, 2011 07:34 AM
Bill MacBride
Ski-in/Ski-out, Luxury homes, Second Home Buyers - Mammoth Lakes, CA
Mammoth Lakes Resort Real Estate

HI Shelly,

In small or big communities, in personal or business life you sow what you reap.

Be kind, supportive, honest and fair to all. Will all appreciate your efforts, no. Will there be some who try to take advantage of you, yes. But that's life and you need to keep your side of the street clean regardless of what someone else says or does.

Help others and build your reputation for consideration, honesty, integrity, quality and kindness.

Bill MacBride

Sep 08, 2011 07:37 AM
Shelly Long-Welborn
Align Real Estate - Sacramento, CA
(916) 806-HOME Sacramento Real Estate Lady

Andrea....Yes, I have!  I can't wait to meet her!  And, I can't wait to do business with her as well!  It's such a great feeling knowing that there are still good, no I mean GREAT! people in this world.  It's especially helpful to have someone reach out like that when you're moving to an area where you don't know ANYONE! 

Sep 08, 2011 07:42 AM
Shelly Long-Welborn
Align Real Estate - Sacramento, CA
(916) 806-HOME Sacramento Real Estate Lady


I am with you on this 100%!!!  I do wholeheartedly believe that we reap what we sow, without a doubt!  Time and again that has been revealed to me personally and professionally.

I am so thankful and grateful to have reached out to the right person!!!  I'm hopeful that this is a good omen for my next great adventure in life! 

Sep 08, 2011 07:44 AM
Sally Dunbar
Lyon Real Estate, Fair Oaks CA (Sacramento Area) - Fair Oaks, CA
Fair Oaks Realtor - Fair Oaks Homes for Sale

Shelly - It totally pays to be a friend.  You never know when you will cross paths again.  I remember when you had a home listed on Northridge golf course (in fact it might have been your home, now that I think about it).  It was fun talking to you in arranging our showings, and then our kids went to DC together.  And now look - you are a fellow Rainer! 

Most of the time I go out of my way to help other agents - I will always call when something is amiss int heir listing, and will help anyone with any question they ask.  I all pays off.  and if nothing else, the next time they see my name on a listing they are going to show, they go "Oh good, it's Sally's listing" instead of "crap, now I gotta deal with this bozo...". 

There is plenty of business to go around, and the more we increase the professionalism of others in our market, by helping them, the better it is for everyone.

So you are relocating?  We'll miss you here, but I'll see you in the Rain.


Sep 08, 2011 10:03 AM
Shelly Long-Welborn
Align Real Estate - Sacramento, CA
(916) 806-HOME Sacramento Real Estate Lady

Hi Sally!!!

Always GREAT to hear from you!

You've touched on an interesting and very true point, in that I can't tell you how many times I've gone to show a house and it was listed by someone that I didn't want to work with due to a poor attitude, etc.  UGH!  I wish it weren't true, but you know what they say about 'wishing'...

I also contact people to let them know when something is amiss. 

And I completely agree that there's plenty of business to go around.  Hopefully other agents have learned how to 'play fair' too.  Reminds of the school ground; just a basic understanding of treating others as we'd like to be treated.

Yes, I'm relocating next year, but you'll definitely see me in the Rain more often.  I''m finally HOOKED!

Sep 08, 2011 10:14 AM
Sally Dunbar
Lyon Real Estate, Fair Oaks CA (Sacramento Area) - Fair Oaks, CA
Fair Oaks Realtor - Fair Oaks Homes for Sale

I'll be a giver right now... beef up your profile.  You can't believe how many times it will be read.  Especially if you leave a lot of meaningful comments on other people's blogs. 

I use my profile to link to some of my blog posts, and I have gotten a lot of business off of it.  People call me, and comment on something they would only have known had they gone to some of the links in my profile.

And THAT's my good deed for the day!

Sep 08, 2011 12:38 PM
Kirsten Lindquist
Pacific Union International - Sonoma, CA
Realtor - Sonoma Wine Country

Hi Shelly:  It was wonderful talking with you and I'm so happy to hear that you found our chat informative!  I'm looking forward to a face-to-face meeting.  Call me again anytime, meantime, and pick my brain some more.  It 's great exercise. :-)

Sep 08, 2011 08:03 PM