
Before I Learned "How To" Write a Blog

Home Stager with Delicious Decors, Stage, Design, Remodel 805.448.9226


Before I Learned "How To" Write a Blog by Delicious Decors

Before I learned that blogs should be on average 300-500 words in length. Before I learned that keywords should be 2-4% of my content. Before I learned that I should add at least 2-4 photos or even knew how to add them. Before I knew what hyperlinks meant, let alone add them. Before I learned to underline or bold key phrases. 

Before I learned ... this is what I wrote ....

"My Most Rewarding DD Project"

For any of you that have a loved one transitioning from home to a retirement community I share this rewarding story …

I was called for a staging consultation for an elderly gentleman who had lost his wife
six months prior. His son, and only child, called me not only to advise his Dad as to “what to remove, re-arrange and such to get his home ready for sale,” but to listen to his father. Gently walk him through the process and ultimately turn his new place at a retirement community into his new “home.”

I met with our client at his home. Beautiful, very nice designer details throughout, one of a kind pieces from his travels with his wife. Although they had only one child, the home was filled with family photos … past and present, relatives and friends; all very endearing.

The first time I met Bob, I listened, I walked through his home/his life with him and made a detailed to-do list. Next, together, we started packing up and moving forward.

After all the de-cluttering, re-arranging and a stamp of approval from the realtor and Bob’s son on a “Staging job well done,” I was able to put on my Interior Designer hat and make Bob’s move into the retirement community easy, smooth and comfortable.

I drew out a floor plan for Bob with all the furniture in its place, showing him on paper how it would all work in his new living environment. I got the “Ok” from Bob, but I could tell he wasn’t quite convinced that we could get his favorite pieces and decor into his new 700 square foot space and make it feel like “home.”

And we did exactly that. Turned Bob’s 700 square foot retirement space into a Home for his later years with all his cherished memories making up his surroundings. Our strategic planning allowed for Bob’s favorite furniture from his 4000 square foot family home fit comfortably and elegantly into his new home. More importantly we were able to include he and his wife’s special art and decor pieces from their travels over the years.

It gets even better … All those family photos on the walls of his previous home? After packing up with Bob, we discovered lots of family photo loves he hadn’t seen in years! As we went through the photos Bob shared stories with me about his glory days as a quarterback for his high school football team, he told me about his first date with his wife, his son’s first steps.

Today, old and newly discovered photos frame his Grandfather clock (just like they did in the old house), are a feature display in the entrance and warm up his bedroom. Bob’s new space is now his new home.

Bob’s joy brings me so, so much joy. Thanks to Bob for trusting in Delicious Decors.

It was my pleasure working with Bob,


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Sonja Patterson
Keller Williams - BV - College Station, TX
Texas Monthly 5-Star Realtor Recipient for the Hou

Penny, that is what it's all about! :)  Helping others to realize their goals!  You tackled the challenge beautifully, and I know Bob, his son, and realtor appreciated all your efforts!

Sep 09, 2011 10:52 AM
Penny Bergstrom
Delicious Decors, Stage, Design, Remodel 805.448.9226 - Santa Barbara, CA
Home Staging, Interior, Design & Remodel, Santa Barbara to LA

Thanks Sonja! i got to thinking all I have learned about writing blogs, which, don't get me wrong, I do use and are great to know for sure, but what's my favorite blog that I have written, this one for sure! No bells and whistles, but before "knowing how to write a blog" what I did get "right" in this blog was content. 



Sep 09, 2011 10:59 AM
Nancy Pav
Century 21 Redwood Realty - Ashburn, VA
Nancy Pav, Your "GottaHave" Realtor

It sounds as if you were very sensitive to Bob's needs.  So nice of his son to tell you exactly what he needed and so nice of you to execute it perfectly.

Sep 09, 2011 11:00 AM
Penny Bergstrom
Delicious Decors, Stage, Design, Remodel 805.448.9226 - Santa Barbara, CA
Home Staging, Interior, Design & Remodel, Santa Barbara to LA

Thanks Nancy. It was very poignant to me, since at this time my mother had recently moved from NY to CA so that my sister and I could take care of her. I had been to the same retirement place several times with my Mom. My mother ended up living with us and I shared all my work stories and experiences with her. She really liked me telling her all about Bob, showing him photos of his house and how we would make him feel right at home at the new retirement facility. I think my mom would have really liked this blog. 

Not meaning to be alll about me in response .... I was able to help someone else's father and share the experience with my mother along the way and she really enjoyed it. 

Sep 09, 2011 11:11 AM
Kathy Burke
Sensational Home Staging~~Danville, CA - Danville, CA
S.F. East Bay Home Staging

Isn't it special to meet those "special" people.....makes up BIG time for the not so special moments in the day!  I just worked with a gentleman in a similar situation....I staged the home he and his wife of 60+ years had shared.  And what a life they had....traveling to so many places.  He got teary on many a talk and what a sense of humor.  I really enjoyed him...and I think he enjoyed his time with me too!

Sep 09, 2011 02:00 PM
Janet Jones
Just Your Style Interiors, LLC - Kihei, HI
Home Staging, Interior Redesign Kihei, Maui, Hawaii

Hi Penny--some blogs don't need photos or keywords or underlines--they just need to be written from the heart.  What a great story and a great post. 

Sep 09, 2011 05:28 PM
Penny Bergstrom
Delicious Decors, Stage, Design, Remodel 805.448.9226 - Santa Barbara, CA
Home Staging, Interior, Design & Remodel, Santa Barbara to LA

Hi Janet, I couldn't agree with you more. Thanks for your support.

Sep 10, 2011 02:17 AM
Penny Bergstrom
Delicious Decors, Stage, Design, Remodel 805.448.9226 - Santa Barbara, CA
Home Staging, Interior, Design & Remodel, Santa Barbara to LA

Kathy, yes, those special clients make up for the "not so special ones." :-) 

I sure enjoyed working with Bob and he had a good time too. I just ran into him in the grocery store the other day and he told me that everyone loved his place best. If he shows his house to prospective clients for the retirement center they give him a free meal. He told me he has lots of free meals added up! 

Sep 10, 2011 02:23 AM
Jacki Kennedy
Staged to WOW Home Staging & Redesign - Baytown, TX
Staged to Wow, Houston TX

Great blog, maybe it doesn't meet what computers look for to grade a page but it certainly embraces what a rewarding human experience can and should be.

Sep 10, 2011 05:33 AM
Penny Bergstrom
Delicious Decors, Stage, Design, Remodel 805.448.9226 - Santa Barbara, CA
Home Staging, Interior, Design & Remodel, Santa Barbara to LA

Thanks Jacki! 

Sep 10, 2011 05:42 AM
Julia Maher
Nestings: Connecticut Home Staging and Model Homes - Fairfield, CT
Connecticut Home Stager

Love reading stories like yours and Bob's.  They remind us of the extra service we can provide that is priceless!

Sep 10, 2011 06:31 AM
Beth Lester
Beth Lester Designs - Torrance, CA
Home Staging & Interior Decorating

Sometimes we are psychologists - or maybe just compassionate listeners.  It makes this career even more rewarding, doesn't it?

Sep 10, 2011 09:11 AM
Penny Bergstrom
Delicious Decors, Stage, Design, Remodel 805.448.9226 - Santa Barbara, CA
Home Staging, Interior, Design & Remodel, Santa Barbara to LA

Julie & Beth,

Thanks so much for your kind words. We are all of the above, caretakers, compassionate listeners and psychologists.

Yes, clients like Bob make our job just that much more rewarding.

Sep 10, 2011 10:43 AM
Maureen Bray Portland OR Home Stager ~ Room Solutions Staging
Room Solutions Staging, Portland OR - Portland, OR
"Staging Consultations that Sell Portland Homes"

Penny ~ we are so lucky that we can help people like Bob to move forward to the next phase in their lives.  It sounds like you showed great compassion and care working with him and making sure he was comfortable with the process -- I fear that there are others out there who just bark orders and expect people to let go of all their beloved possessions.  Good job!

Sep 11, 2011 05:38 PM
Penny Bergstrom
Delicious Decors, Stage, Design, Remodel 805.448.9226 - Santa Barbara, CA
Home Staging, Interior, Design & Remodel, Santa Barbara to LA

Hi Maureen, I couldn't agree with you more. We are fortunate to be able to help others in such a rewarding way. I'm glad you hear you enjoyed the post. 

Sep 11, 2011 09:37 PM
Reno, NV

Hi Penny, so many great comments, along with your story of the experience of moving Bob and his precious "stuff" and making a comfortable home for him in totally different and new surroundings. Great work and rewarding for you as well for taking such personal care of your client..... reminding us all of the importance of our service.

Sep 14, 2011 04:42 PM

Way to make a difference in the life of another human being!!!

This is exactly what life is all about Penny.  I hope I can share a success story

as amazing as yours sometime soon.

I am just putting my big toe into this blogging stuff...all new to an old dog. Ha!

You are amazing.  Thanks for sharing.


Sep 15, 2011 03:41 AM
Penny Bergstrom
Delicious Decors, Stage, Design, Remodel 805.448.9226 - Santa Barbara, CA
Home Staging, Interior, Design & Remodel, Santa Barbara to LA

Thanks Teri and Maribeth! I'm so glad I dug this blog out from the archives of my wordpress blogs and re-posted it here on AR. 

It all started when a design student from the university called me to interview me on the design and staging business for a class assignment. She asked me to share a rewarding story of my business and I told her about working with Bob. She asked me if I could please send the blog to her so she could share it with her class. 

Sep 15, 2011 07:02 AM
Wendy Tomm
Beyond the Walls - East St Paul, MB
CCSP, RESA-PRO, BBB - Wpg Realtors

Thanks for sharing the story Penny.  Nice hearing from you on Active Rain.  Stories like those are golden and make our jobs the best ever.

Oct 20, 2011 02:41 AM
Penny Bergstrom
Delicious Decors, Stage, Design, Remodel 805.448.9226 - Santa Barbara, CA
Home Staging, Interior, Design & Remodel, Santa Barbara to LA

Thanks Wendy. I need to jump on AR more often! 

Oct 20, 2011 04:54 AM