ActiveRain’s Weltanschauung
WOW! This is awesome. Joining AR with these guiding principles and philosophy is an honor. I tried to blend in for a month and really found a sense of belonging. I upgraded my membership and now officially a RAINMAKER. Will strive my best to uphold this new world view.
Weltanschauung: The guiding principles and philosophy of an organization. A world view.
1. We understand that the value of the ActiveRain community rests entirely with its members. We admire the spirit of real estate professionals and believe our goal is to fully engage their talents and knowledge for the benefit of all members of the real estate community.
2. We believe that real estate professionals will thrive if they demonstrate their local market expertise. With ever greater access to listings, local knowledge is now the key differentiator.
3. We believe that homeownership is a positive force for social good. ActiveRain is committed to empowering real estate professionals so they can help people achieve the dream of homeownership.
4. ActiveRain welcomes the active participation of all real estate professionals, irrespective of their affiliation with industry groups or trade associations. We believe a vibrant and diverse real estate community is essential to maintaining a strong organization.
5. We believe that the constructive dialogue at ActiveRain fosters transparency among consumers about the industry. We understand that ActiveRain plays a key role in demonstrating the integrity and professionalism of those engaged in our industry.
6. ActiveRain prides itself on editorial independence. We believe that an open, free exchange of ideas is our primary reason for being. We are not captive of any point of view or agenda – other than to advance the interests of homebuyers and sellers and real estate professionals.
7. We encourage dissenting or contrarian points of view because our industry is better served by continually examining the status quo. Challenging conventional wisdom is often essential for the evolution of our industry and the development of new opportunities.
8. We believe in spirited discourse, but personal attacks or predatory behavior will not be tolerated. Respect and civility are the shared values that unite all of us.
9. ActiveRain does not stand on ceremony or hierarchy. ActiveRain is a two-way street. We believe that a continual conversation with our community is critical to our continued growth and vitality. We are fully committed to incorporating member feedback and ideas to improve ActiveRain.
10. ActiveRain believes that it is in the best interests of real estate professionals to build a community that is focused on educating one another. ActiveRain believes its future depends on members of all experience levels openly sharing their experiences and best practices with others in the field. This communal dialogue offers a unique opportunity for professional growth and is the way to share in the dynamism and excitement that constitutes the modern real estate business.-The ActiveRain Team