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I'm working with a buyer wants to purchase raw land that is not listed on MLS.  

However, the owner of the raw land has a home on a different parcel of land listed with another real estate agent.     Does that mean only the other real estate agent may list any property belonging to this client?

Do I violate the sanctity of AGENCY or CODE OF ETHICS if I contact this property owner directly to assist my buyer with the raw land purchase?

Your comments are greatly appreciated.  





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Sara Homan
Coldwell Banker Ellison Realty 352-209-4044 - Ocala, FL
Realtor, Homes, Farms & 55+

You violate NOTHING!  When a listing is listed for sale and a rental agent wants to list it for rent does that violate the code of ethics or agency?  Not in my opinion, in fact it is a "shame on you listing agent"  if they didn't perceive that their seller was also considering renting.

Turn the traffic lights green and get both sides of the vacant land! 

Sep 10, 2011 11:53 AM
Marti Steele Kilby, CRS
Steele Group Realty - La Mesa, CA
Broker/Owner, San Diego, CA

I'd say go for it!  These are two completley separate parcels.  Unless the land/homeowner has many parcels and has signed some type of exclusive representation agreement with the current agent there is nothing to stop the owner from working with you on this particular deal.  I'm pretty sure in fact that even the other agent would understand as the land is not an active listing and you're bringing the owner a buyer!  Good luck!

Sep 10, 2011 12:07 PM
Pat Fenn
Marketing Specialist for CJ Realty Group/Cindy Jones Broker - Springfield, VA

Two different properties.  You should be able to approach them about the vacant lot as long as it is not included as part of the other sale.  Check with your broker if you have questions about any violation of  your state RE rules.

Sep 10, 2011 02:04 PM
Sandy Colburn
Big Water, UT
Lake Powell Real Estate - Homes - Acreage

Thank you for the great comments, my friends.

That's how I was thinking this issue should work and so good to comfirm with you gals.

Sep 10, 2011 03:18 PM