
You Have an Unbelievable Body ... The Secret to Success

Title Insurance with First American Title

You should have seen me during the years from 2004 to 2009.  I had an unbelievable body (the guy winning the race is me).  Before you delete this email and say, "Wow that guy is conceded", let me explain.

Eight years ago I decided that it was time to get into shape.  One failed attempt after another left me feeling hopeless.  During this same time I was going through a career change.  That too had left me with feelings of inadequacy.  I knew I wanted to be successful but wasn't quite sure how to go about it.

I'll never forget the straight talk my father gave me.  "Son, you need to figure out what makes you tick.  Once you do, go all in".  After careful thought I discovered two things about myself; 1) I don't do well with things that I don't enjoy and 2) I am very good at the things that I do enjoy. 

A friend of mine introduced me to road cycling and after one year of "fun" riding I decided to start racing.  In my first year I moved up two classes and by my 3rd year I was ranked as the #2 cyclist in the state of Arizona.  Cycling was something that I took to.  My body was built for it.  As a result, I soon found myself in the best shape of my life.  Friends and even strangers would ask me what my secret was.  How was I able to spend so much time in the gym working out, how was I able to control my eating?  The answer was simple.  I looked great not because I was passionate about looking great.  I looked great because I found something that I was passionate about.  I love to ride my bike and I love competition.  Looking great was simply a side effect of endulging in my passion.

During this same time period I entered the world of sales.  Like so many I struggled a bit in the beginning.  I was going through the motions and was listening to my mentors and managers.  I was working hard.  What I wasn't doing was achieving the results I wanted.  I thought about cycling, I remembered what my father had shared with me.  I pondered what it was about sales that I liked or that I might possibly enjoy.  The answer was simple; I love people.  I love being with people, I love listening to people (especially the generation before me), and I am passionate about helping people. 

I decided to "bag" most of the formal sales training I was receiving and start doing what I love.  I started talking with clients like they were friends.  Rather than focus on selling I focused my attention on them.  What were the things keeping them up at night?  What services could best help them to grow their business?  Aside from the services my company provided, what could I personally offer that could help them be successful.  Once I did this, my sales went through the roof.  I made club my first year and hit my yearly quote 4 months into the 2nd year.  Promotions came and the money rolled in.  Very similar to staying in shape, my success came not from focusing on weight loss, or in the case of sales, hitting my quota.  My success was a direct result of me doing those things that I am passionate about.

If you find yourself struggling to find success in real estate, ask yourself if you're doing the things you enjoy.  If you love to blog then blog.  If you enjoy being in front of clients then get in front of clients.  If you are creative in marketing and you enjoy it, then market yourself.  If you like Open Houses then have Open Houses.  Success comes from repetition. It is very difficult to be repetitive with things that we don't enjoy and it's certainly no fun.

Find your passion, stick with it.  Not only will your happiness increase but success is sure to follow.

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 Max VanNatter