
Super Ferry in Maui

Real Estate Agent with Century 21 all Islands
Hello, Friends,

For those of you who have not been following The Saga Of The Superferry here in Hawai‘i, let me see if I can summarize. A couple of years ago, our (Repub. of course) Gov gave an *exemption* to this new, *large* ferry business to come to Hawai‘i and not have to perform an Environmental Impact Statement. The LAW says they have to, but our Gov gave them a free pass. So, some local environmental groups took them to court, and it took two years, but both the HI State Supreme Court and the local Maui circuit court agreed that it was illegal to give them this exemption, forcing the performance of an EIS BEFORE they could resume business here. Just as an aside, this ruling came a couple of months ago when HSF (Hawai‘i Superferry) had only been operating here for a couple of days!! The whole State has been in a lot of turmoil about this issue, as many believe the ferry has military ties, (and there's a lot of proof to substantiate that belief), there's no doubt, at this point, that the ferry WILL kill whales, and it's more than likely that some very bad invasive pests will be transported from islands that have the pests to islands (like Maui) that DON'T have them, and so on. There are long lists of grievous complaints about the damage the ferry could do to our precious eco-systems, but the ferry company has the Gov in their pocket, AND they have wads of money to spend on PR and spin to convince an unsuspecting populace that it's a good thing. So, the State has been at odds, and very heatedly so, for most of this year, but especially now that the courts have ruled in favor of the "environmentalists". So, what's our Gov doing about that? Why, just what George W. Bush would do!!! She's calling a special session of State legislature to CHANGE THE LAW!!!! You know, the one they broke in the first place? The one she exempted them from? So, those of us who care very deeply about this, and DON'T want too have this VERY BAD PRECEDENCE set, have been working very hard at convincing our legislators to NOT bail out the ferry, and not buckle under the pressure of a Gov. who made a bad decision and is now trying to cover her tracks.
And there's something YOU can do to help... and it will take you all of TEN SECONDS. Just click, and vote NO.

If you're getting this message before Sunday, Oct 21st, please click on the link below and simply press the "NO" button. You will anonymously be registering an "opinion" in a poll that says you don't want HSF bailed out, and you don't want existing laws changed just to give one business a free pass. The Hawai‘i Superferry website has a link asking people to vote "yes", and they have managed to pull over 3,000 opinions to their side of the issue in the last few hours alone. I am asking you to not only cast your one vote, but to send my plea to everyone you can think of who will not only participate, but who will send this message to their networks as well. I'm looking for a GROUNDSWELL of people who will stand up and say, NO!!! This isn't right!!

PLEASE PASS THIS NOTE ON - especially to like-minded people with large email networks.... our little islands need your help!!!

Please go to the poll and vote "NO".

And ask your friends to vote and to tell others to do the same. It's amazing what we can accomplish when we pool together....

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Bob & Carolin Benjamin
Benjamin Realty LLC - Gold Canyon, AZ
East Phoenix Arizona Homes
Interesting post. Thanks for letting us know about this.
Oct 25, 2007 01:08 PM
Celeste "SALLY" Cheeseman
Liberty Homes - Mililani, HI
Being this is an ongoing controversial issue I chose to remain neutral. (I too wrote about the Superferry) I believe there are pros and cons to this issue although I also believe that the Aloha Spirit went out the window as well. This controversary has spread in the news WORLDWIDE and surely does not show the Aloha Spirit that ensued with the violence and yelling. That is the ONLY thing I am going to voice on this. WRONG. That was wrong. No matter what the topic...we can have our opinions....but leave the nastiness where it belongs. In the minds of the offenders.
Oct 25, 2007 01:19 PM