To my favorite Team,
First of all, on behalf of the South Maui Sharks community I would like to thank our previous president Darlyn for all the time, help, love and support she gave to our team for the last four years. She had to step back from her position as It is now a time for her to take care of her health... I would like to ask each one of you to put her and her family in your thoughts and prayers for a quick and perfect healing for them to go through this challenge with ease and grace. Darlyn, know that you do have our prayers, love, and support!
Brandy, our treasurer had to leave us as she moved with her family and beautiful daughter ..... We wish you success and I know we will keep on seeing you at the meet. I know how big your commitment was to the team and how much you believe that each one of us can make a difference by stepping up to the plate. You have been an inspiration to me. Thank you.
I have been your new president since the start of the season and I would like to take the opportunity to introduce my self to you.
I was born and raised in France (Normandy). I am Tahitian from my paternal side and French from my mother's side. Eliot and I have been living in the US for almost a decade now.
I can't tell you how greatful I am for being able to live here on beautiful Maui... It is a treat from Heaven to us!
I wanted to tell our swimmers how much I care and how proud I am to be the witness and supporter of their hard work.
I have been watching you guys swimming for over a year now and I am just amazed to see your work and progress. It takes commitment, discipline, courage and passion.
You are at the sun rise of your life and I believe this discipline is giving you the tools that you are going to use for the rest of your life. "Focusing on pushing your limit in a choosen field and a commitment to that excellence with things that represent this and miracle "
Your life will be the way you want it to be and to me it is awesome to get that at such an early age. It is Janet's gift to you. She practices that with you every time you train. She is and amazing coach and has the experience, love and patience to lead you to your goal. I can't tell you enough about her. We even have some of our team members driving from up country to be mentored by Janet. I will let you make your own opinion by experiencing it yourself - it is always the best way.
My goal is to make sure you and your coach Janet have the support that you deserve to achieve your goals.
I am very aware now that I have a strong parent's team behind us. They have been showing their love last month at putting an awesome fund raiser. Thank you to Julie on coordinating the event. Result of the amount collected will be published in the next news letter.
We are having a new board and coordinator taking place right now, the new position will be announced in the next issue.
Please don't be shy to share your thoughts, stories and experience through the News letter, it is a wonderful way to learn and to get to know each other.
"it takes a village to raise a child but it takes a child to raise a village" African proverb