
GOOGLE + , Start Building Your Networks Now!

Home Stager with Certified Staging Professionals

GOOGLE + …..Yes, it is another social network site; however it is leading in new features and has grown to 10 million users in the first 16 days after launch.
A new social network not to be ignored – It is not going away, so take advantage of what it can do for you and your business.

Here is a great video that explains why Google + is different!

This video is cute and to the point, eh? I definitely agree Google + is ANOTHER way to grow our sphere of influence and network with potential clients.  I agree with social media experts; such as Mari Smith, in the belief that facebook or twitter will not be replaced by Google +.

What I love best about Google circles, is I can choose who gets which content as I am posting it. I don’t have to remember which list is what, or what security features I have set. My non-business friends can enjoy my personal jokes, comments and social chat, while my business friends, clients and followers can still take advantage of the valuable content I like to share about marketing, business and graphic design!

Let’s get a head start! Let’s not wait until Business Pages are available on Google +, let’s start networking, building relationships and growing our networks now!

How to get started:

1. If you don’t have a Google email, you will need to set one up.
2. Get an invite to Google+ invite (ask me and I will send you a direct invite)
3. REMEMBER you must use your personal name. Google is disabling accounts with business names.
4. Set up your bio, business photo, profile page, links, add photos, and contact information  – Think of this as free advertising!
5. Add to your Circles. (Watch the video above to understand how circles work) For example, I have created a circle that I will put all my stager friends in, another for graphic design clients, another for family, another for friends. Etc.
6. Looking for people to add to your circle? Get started with adding CSP Staff, Mentors  & Instructors!
7. Find more people here.

Once you are all set, connect with more people by simply adding me to one of your Google+ circles.  I will start a list of those who want more people to follow and others to follow them right on my personal google page .

Want an invite? Send me an email

CSP International Training Academy is dedicated to sharing latest updates in staging, marketing and best business practices with their members. For more information on how you can become a Certified Staging Professional in Canada, USA or Australia call 1-888-782-4464 or sign up for a free information package

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Maureen Bray Portland OR Home Stager ~ Room Solutions Staging
Room Solutions Staging, Portland OR - Portland, OR
"Staging Consultations that Sell Portland Homes"

Hi Angela ~ Thanks for the Google + Tips!  I'd better get on board -- you've given us some great links to follow to get started.

Sep 15, 2011 02:56 PM
Ginger Foust
Certified Staging Professional - Oakhurst, CA
Home Stager Oakhurst CA, Dream Interior Redesign & Staging

Well Angela, since you know my personal local situation do you REALLY feel that I need to do this.  I keep getting invites but I'm reluctant.  You know that I value your opinion. 

Sep 15, 2011 03:43 PM
Kathy Burke
Sensational Home Staging~~Danville, CA - Danville, CA
S.F. East Bay Home Staging

Hi Angela.....Yes it's another Social Media challenge and just when I was finally getting it with Facebook.  I can do this!!!!

Sep 16, 2011 03:57 AM