
Free Stuff!!

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Enjoy! or not......



The folks who are getting free stuff,
Don't like the folks who are paying for the free stuff,
Because the folks who are 
paying for the free stuff,
Can no longer 
afford to pay for both the free stuff and their own stuff.

And, The folks who are 
paying for the free stuff,
Want the free stuff to stop.
And the folks who are 
getting the free stuff,
Want even 
MORE free stuff on top of the free stuff they're getting  already!

Now..... The 
people who are forcing  people to PAY for the free stuff,
Have told the people who are 
RECEIVING the free stuff,
That the people who are 
PAYING for the free stuff,
Are being 
mean, prejudiced and racist.


So ..... the people who are GETTING the free stuff,
Have been convinced they need to 
HATE the people who are PAYING  for the free stuff because they are selfish. And they are promised more free stuff if they will vote for the people who force the people who pay for the free stuff to give them even more free stuff.


And - - - - - that's the 
Straight Stuff!      Any comments?


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Dan Hopper
Dan Hopper - Gold Way RE - Westminster, CO
Colorado Broker / Referral Services

Yes.... FREE STUFF, you are so correct with your assessment of OUR problem.  The Government!!!!  The free stuff has come back to bite us.... as Realtors, too!!  All the government finance programs, FHA, VA, some down payment assistance programs... the bailouts of FNMA and FreddieMac.  The ridiculous entitllements for the less fortunate at the expense of those that are productive!!  

Sep 16, 2011 04:04 AM
Brandon Cramer
Ackerman & Co. - Commercial Real Estate - Atlanta, GA

Good Stuff.  Haha.  Well said, Diana!

Sep 16, 2011 04:05 AM
Adrian Willanger
206 909-7536 - Seattle, WA
Profit from my two decades of experience

What a crazy time we're living in, sometimes it just seems insane and just doesn't make sense. Onward.



Sep 16, 2011 04:20 AM
Elizabeth Birmingham
EB Realty - Grand Junction, CO

I wish it was a simple as you think. I was always taught in  church, by my parents and in civics that we had an obligation and privilege to help the less fortunate. When you walk in another's shoes you then have the right to judge. 

Sep 16, 2011 04:30 AM
Diana Manzato
Highland Village, TX

@Elizabeth....I agree, there are lots of people less fortunate...I'm not judging, I was taught the same.

Sep 16, 2011 04:57 AM