Seems the President's rant this morning was nothing more than a campaign speech as I don't think anyone in Congress is ignorant enough to allow the damage of this plan to go forward. The President is back to his class-baiting division techniques in an effort to conquer the election. Pitting opposing groups against each other so he may rise above. It's a technique that worked well in the last election and seems he's back to his modus operandi.
Sadly, for his own political gain, this does nothing to get the country back on track. We have millions hurting in economic turmoil and a 1.5 trillion dollar tax hike does nothing to help. It merely increases the size of government and lines the pockets of the people who support him while hurting, or even devastating, those that don't.
When you look at our country and it's realized tax rate of approximately 51% you clearly see that they are more than halfway towards their goal.
If anyone in Washington was serious about this fiscal problem, they'd cut corporate welfare, foreign welfare and end the trillions of dollars going overseas. These would be sound policies that would bring about prosperity and engender greater freedoms.
Sadly, the likelihood of this ever happening is next to nil as big government must continue to grow to fund the status quo. In that respect we already know, from experience, the ends will almost always justify the means.