
The smartest people in the room?

Mortgage and Lending with Veritas Funding, SLC, UT NMLS #231319

The Associated Press reported this morning that the IMF's chief economist Olivier Blanchard remarked that "The global economy has entered a dangerous new phase," and  "The recovery has weakened considerably. Strong policies are needed to improve the outlook and reduce the risks."

Wow - is that breaking news or what?  I'm pretty sure we've been in a precious position for some time due to the debt crisis in Europe as well as in the US.  As a "glass is half full" type of guy and not looking to be too cynical here, has this guy been under a rock or what?  At the end of the day, it's probably best for us to help folks own homes and move forward in a positive, realistic way.

Posted by


Linda Urbick
RealtyOne Group - San Ramon, CA
Selling San Ramon Valley - 925-786-5132

Joe - Couldn't agree more. Sometimes I wonder who these people are and where have they been - the news has been inundated with bleak economical conditions for months.

Sep 20, 2011 05:04 AM
Randy DeLaMare
Realtypath LLC - Salt Lake City, UT
Helping friends Realize their Real Estate Dreams

Joe, maybe you should quit holding back and tell us how you really feel :) You are so right! Like this is even newsworthy at this point. He sure went out on a limb.

Oct 16, 2011 05:28 PM