Sellers want to get the most money out of their homes but so many of them cannot see the value that staging can bring. So, any suggestions on getting sellers to stage? I have got my packet together but can't seem to get sellers that I have talked with to get to commit to spending the money. Agents see the need but say their sellers don't want to spend any money. Any suggestions would be appreciatied.
Hi Lisa -
My wife and I actually have staged for out of town clients before just to make for a quicker sale. Of course I always try to get my sellers to do it first before offering our services.
If they're first time sellers I pull up staged homes vs un-staged on the MLS and show them the difference a few key pieces can make.
I must admit I just closed a home with a buyer that only wanted to see totally vacant homes. He said he couldn't place his things in a home that had others stuff in it. So it can work both ways.
Best regards from the Q
One objection may be that they'll be out of pocket a few hundred dollars if the home doesn't sell.
In our area, some stagers will do the initial consultation and report/recommendations with payment due if/when the sale closes (hmmm - sounds a bit like Realtors, doesn't it?) That way sellers aren't hit up with an extra fee not knowing if they are going to get the sale to justify it. You could call around to your local stagers to see if they'd offer a similar deal. It's a great way for people starting out in staging to get clients.
Thanks so much for the responses. I am currently trying to get a house that would be a challenge but so much fun. The before and after pictures would be grand. Buyers can get some really good deals if they have a vision of what a home could look like but then sellers would not need Stager's if all buyers had that vision.
Peter, I think that your idea is great and in my small town I am the only stager that advertises. I think there are a few Realtors that are Stagers but they don't really stage just have the classes to help their sellers. I had thought of trying that idea but kinda scared of not getting paid. But just have to get it in writing and listen to my intuition.
Lisa- It's hard for sellers to justify putting any money into a home they are selling however they need to look at it as an investment in getting their home sold. If they consider their carrying charges and what the first price reduction will be the investment is small. As for deferring your fee, that's your call if it's just a consultation but don't go on just your gut instinct. If this is what you choose, make sure you have a good contract drawn up. And, just because you have a contract, if the seller defaults, you will be the one responsible for enforcing it. And, if the staging calls for inventory, you will then have out-of-pocket expenses you'll incur. Just food for thought.
Lisa - Are you a Realtor AND a Stager? If so, then many other REAs may not recommend you because they may see you as a threat. Some REAs will only take a listing IF their sellers agree to Staging (God bless them!), ensuring that their listings look great and sell quickly! This is a strong stance that many may not be willing to take in today's market, but I belive it pays off in the long run! Could be the way to go for you.
Lisa, your issue is universal. Unfortunately, most sellers are short sighted and don't understand that the cost of staging is lower than a price reduction. However, many Realtors are doing it themselves today, they have the time and their clients protest that they don't have the money. I feel that you get what you pay for and sometimes free has its own price-if you've got statistics on homes that you have sold, definitely present them. I don't defer my fee and I don't recommend it but that is your choice.
Hi Lisa, I agree with Joanna. If you agree to defer your fee, what will you do if the client decides to take the home off the market.... You have just given him a nice looking home to live in!
Thanks, Kathy, Julia, Joanna and Bonnie,
I have thought a lot this weekend and after reading your responses I have decided not to defer payment. I need to get paid just like they need to sell their home.
Again thanks and best wishes to you all.
Lisa - it's funny - the name of my blog is "To Stage or Not to Stage" - lol! I overcome this obstacle by showing my portfolio and breaking jobs down to 1/2 day of staging, full day of staging and up - that really shows them what they can get for their money and how big of a impact staging makes in person and on the MLS photos. Best of luck!