
Would You Sell Your ActiveRain Profile and Position?

Real Estate Broker/Owner with Brooks Prime Properties Wichita Falls Texas

Would You Sell Your Active Rain Profile?And if you would, how much would you charge? Let's say you have maybe more than 50,000 points, you've meticulously set up your Profile page with your personal and professional information and got your background all set up and you've begun to blog. At 50,000 points you still would have blogged quite a bit to acquire that many points.

How much time do you have in that Profile and how much is your time worth? Your Profile includes everything you have done on ActiveRain including your Posts and Blogs and Comments.

Now, let's try it are more of a prolific blogger and you have 250,000 points or upwards of that. Some of you are over a MILLION POINTS! How much time have you put into your Profile? What is the value of that time? Have you received any referrals or direct calls that either produced a sale by a new listing or a Buyer? How much would that add to the value of your Profile?

Would You Sell Your Active Rain Profile?Active Rain, after built and optimized, is a true asset.

If you are like me and my AR Profile boosts my personal Website through my blog feed would your site lose status with google if your feed was removed? Do you have a direct link to your site from ActiveRain that could cause you to lose position and the collective power of ActiveRain Members and their content?

How much would it cost for a competitor to purchase your position from you?

You have already optimized your profile and you're posting so potential Clients and Customers in your area will find you.

BUT, if you think about it your local competitors could easily change the name and acquire your URL with all the benefits of your points, search engine optimization and google placement without a hitch.

How much? Could it be monetized?

Or, would you consider this at all?

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Renée Donohue~Home Photography
Savvy Home Pix - Allegan, MI
Western Michigan Real Estate Photographer

Sure $1 a point sounds fun.  The price just from this post alone went up $45 from my comment and reporting two spam comments ;)

Sep 21, 2011 04:46 PM
Ruthmarie Hicks
Keller Williams NY Realty - 120 Bloomingdale Road #101, White Plains NY 10605 - White Plains, NY

If I moved to another state - Since most of my posts are purely local - perhaps yes...with the caveat that I could access the more general blogs.  Or if I left real estate.....otherwise no way.  It might be a good thing to think about for those who are thinking of retiring.

Sep 21, 2011 04:56 PM
John Juarez
The Medford Real Estate Team - Fremont, CA

Everyone is so busy selling that they would NEVER sell their blog.

First…let’s look up the word HUBRIS in the dictionary.

Second…what is a blog worth? To the writer, the blog has value. To a subsequent owner, without the original author turning the quality writing that gave the blog value, does any value remain?

There are companies that specialize in putting a value on businesses that are bought and sold. I wonder if the methodology for valuing a blog has been established.

Aside from what our blogs do for us, do they have value?

Sep 21, 2011 04:56 PM
Deb Brooks
Brooks Prime Properties Wichita Falls Texas - Wichita Falls, TX

Judi, mine is vital to my business too. Someday I will retire and I may sell it then. I would certainly consider it.

Carl and Ceil, LOL...I didn't think so!

Wandanna, Isn't it amazing just how "close" and involved we become? I love being here. I love what my posting does for my business and for me personally. I think that 50.000 mark is a bit of magic. I'm glad you're hooked. I like seeing you here.

Ellie, No kidding. How would one actually sell love? You get to answer that one!

Jeff, It's that "but..." that takes the cake.

Mark. It's complicated but valid!

Sep 21, 2011 05:07 PM
Janet Jones
Just Your Style Interiors, LLC - Kihei, HI
Home Staging, Interior Redesign Kihei, Maui, Hawaii

Hi Deb--sounds like selling a seat on the Exchange.  No I wouldn't sell at any price because it is all too personal to me.  I am my blog. 

Sep 21, 2011 05:31 PM
Deb Brooks
Brooks Prime Properties Wichita Falls Texas - Wichita Falls, TX

Peter and Linda, I think the Profile, since it can be adapted, could be a separate entity and up for bid individually! Don't're way too young and I would miss you.

Renee, we don't need to offer that info to the buyer! LOL! I know good and well that you can play hardball!

Ruthmarie, you can take your Profile with you to another state. Many have done so before! You simply write about your new area. Your ActiveRain url will have time and age and will place high wherever you go!


*****JOHN, I am truly excited that you have joined this conversation. I popped over to your profile and read a bit about you. Boy, would we all like to pick your brain about Retail Banking! Later though. You probably already know what I am about to tell you so please don't take offense. I am simply going to attempt to paint a picture with facts.



Hubris (play /ˈhjuːbrɪs/), also hybris, means extreme haughtiness, pride or arrogance. Hubris often indicates a loss of contact with reality and an overestimation of one's own competence or capabilities, especially when the person exhibiting it is in a position of power.

Now, with that said, let's visit your second question. I do not believe that there would be any methodology that would fit in a blanket manner although I could be wrong. Possibly that would allow an individual category system to establish the strength and value. Good idea.

Your main question seems to be "besides from what our blogs do for us, do they have value?"

Let me attempt to answer this to the best of my ability in a short and concise manner.

Good writers are paid to write. Many different elements can create a good writer such as strong content, fresh ideas, grammar and punctuation, uniqueness, the sharing of knowledge, personable connections and so much more. What ActiveRain has created for us as a platform and what we have created with their platform is considered Target Marketing.

Believe me...we get paid in many ways for our efforts and writing here!

While targeting a particular market, our sites have been optimized to target OUR MARKETS! Now, this work has come from us individually with the occasional ghost writer. Many of our AR urls are at the top of the google choices for our particular market. Rhetorical question: how much will companies pay to be on the top of the generic google rankings? How much would it actually cost them to get there in dollars and time and knowledge and is it even possible today???  With some tutoring a new personality could easily pick right up where we would leave off. Although, like with any business
acquisition, we would need to remain long enough to help the new person/company make the transition. As long as they were working an area close to the existing market and could use the key words and google search terms the transition could be just about seamless.

I would like to forget about your term Hubris but I just can't. When a person invests the time, effort, care, SEO, knowledge, talents. stories, and also has the benefit of generating leads that place big money in your pocket, manages to create long term friendships and gains so much information from one single labor of love, you would have to be completely disassociated if you did not begin to feel passionate about the ownership of said creation. The word Hubris is a great word yet it cannot be associated with ActiveRain or its Members!

I hope this helps! Welcome new friend.

Sep 21, 2011 06:26 PM
Ann Nguyen
eXp Realty of California, Inc. - Truckee, CA
Lake Tahoe Truckee Homes For Sale


You have posed an intriguing question that I have never thought of before...hmmm...I don't think I want to sell a piece of myself :-)

Sep 21, 2011 06:51 PM
Deb Brooks
Brooks Prime Properties Wichita Falls Texas - Wichita Falls, TX

Janet, it is a much stronger bet than the exchange!! I would put my money here.

Ann, I know how you feel. Each profile is a piece of doubt!

Sep 21, 2011 07:13 PM
Mike Cooper, Broker VA,WV
Cornerstone Business Group Inc - Winchester, VA
Your Neighborhood Real Estate Sales Pro

Deb, you and Russell have theme going here.  Thanks for the excellent post.  How much?  Hmmm?  Priceless!

Sep 22, 2011 12:46 AM
Gabe Sanders
Real Estate of Florida specializing in Martin County Residential Homes, Condos and Land Sales - Stuart, FL
Stuart Florida Real Estate

Well, if it was possible, you can have mine for only $1.00 a point!!

Sep 22, 2011 01:08 AM
Melissa Ostrom & Melville Capps Newton MA - The Mel and Mel Team
(617) 388-3151 | Century 21 Commonwealth - Newton, MA
Deb, Russel Ray has quantified his blog's value at 8.75 cents per point. That is a starting point. If more people did those calculations, then a reference base would be established. The value of a blog could be some multiple of that value-per-point.

If one blogs as a brokerage instead of as an individual, then a sale of the brokerage might include selling the blog. Perhaps some blogs here have already been sold that way ?



Sep 22, 2011 01:36 AM
Patricia Kennedy
RLAH@properties - Washington, DC
Home in the Capital

Deb, gotta say, if the price was right, I'd sell in a heartbeat.  Any takers out there?

Sep 22, 2011 02:35 AM
Cheryl Ritchie
RE/MAX Leading Edge - Huntingtown, MD
Southern Maryland 301-980-7566
When you think of setting up your business to sell your business eventually, this concept becomes important to consider.
Sep 22, 2011 02:44 AM
Jim Paulson
Progressive Realty (Boise Idaho) - Boise, ID

I wish I had thought about this when I first started blogging.  I didn't have any goals or objectives in mind.  I was let my ADD free online.  I never thought about target audiences, goals, themes, exit strategies, etc.  I realized a few years ago that I was essentially a painter applying paint to a canvas, not an artist.  I have been striving to improve ever sense!

Sep 22, 2011 03:04 AM
Jonathan Benya
The Benya Group - Waldorf, MD
The Benya Group

Wow, people think it's worth thousands?  I've got 80k points.  If someone offered my $1,000 for my profile, I'd be gone in an instant!

Sep 22, 2011 03:37 AM
Clay R. Seay
Florida Homes Realty & Mortgage - Saint Augustine, FL

Deb, I would take it as a compliment that someone wanted to purchase my blog. While it is very personal, in certain circumstances, it might be the wave of the future. People buy website links and names all the time and corporations are bought & sold every day, so it its not out of the question that buying a successful blog as a business marketing idea might be something to consider.

Sep 22, 2011 03:45 AM
Igor Generalov
Global Realty Partners - Sunny Isles, FL

Deb, hi. Let's try to serious for a second. I visit your web site,nice. I like it. I have no clue about lake and property you are selling therefore even could not Google it for key words. You have mentioned about coming on first page Google thanks to blogging on Active rain. Can you give me a few tips. Please do not give to write blog like that, it will help you to pay less to ActiveRain, but will not move your position on Google. Please advice. Igor. P.S. By the way, I am surprised how many people has responded to you.

Sep 22, 2011 04:57 AM
Deb Brooks
Brooks Prime Properties Wichita Falls Texas - Wichita Falls, TX

Mike, We certainly do! I think we established that there is true value to the AR profiles!

Gabe, All things are possible. If I were working your area I might consider it!

Melville, quantifying the value is a great place to start but I think there is so much more than a per point value. I believe that the Search Engines will help to establish value also. If the url placement is high enough in google then the value would skyrocket. You can have a gazillion points but if there is incorrect web presence it won't do anyone any good!

Pat, We could always start yet another now couldn't we? I would...start another that is. Just to stay in the loop with friends such as yourself...having a great time I hope!



Sep 22, 2011 05:50 AM
Debbie DiFonzo
Debbie DiFonzo - United Country VIP Realty, SW Missouri - Lebanon, MO
Lebanon MO and Buffalo Missouri Real Estate

Just wondering what promoted this post.... The majority of people on Active Rain would consider their blog like their child - you wouldn't sell it or give it away (Dale)

Has someone actually offered to BUY an Active Rain blog?

How crazy would that really be? And could it ever really be pulled off?  The results would never be the same for someone else. Never.

Sep 22, 2011 05:55 AM
John Juarez
The Medford Real Estate Team - Fremont, CA



Thank you for your response. It is well thought out and reasonable.

I do not accuse you of having a problem with hubris but I will not be so charitable in regard to others who have blithely responded that they would not part with their blog for any price. Really?

I know that we like to think of our blogs as our children but I have a hard time putting the same value on a business asset – assuming that any given blog does have value as an asset – as I would my child.

It is clear that a blog can have monetary value to the blogger. Google placement, inquiries from public readers, referrals from other professionals and more all are benefits of a mature, quality blog. I think that the blogging phenomenon is still too new to determine the ability to monetize a blog in the re-sale market. I am sure that talented entrepreneurs will find a way.

Sep 22, 2011 07:00 AM