And if you would, how much would you charge? Let's say you have maybe more than 50,000 points, you've meticulously set up your Profile page with your personal and professional information and got your background all set up and you've begun to blog. At 50,000 points you still would have blogged quite a bit to acquire that many points.
How much time do you have in that Profile and how much is your time worth? Your Profile includes everything you have done on ActiveRain including your Posts and Blogs and Comments.
Now, let's try it are more of a prolific blogger and you have 250,000 points or upwards of that. Some of you are over a MILLION POINTS! How much time have you put into your Profile? What is the value of that time? Have you received any referrals or direct calls that either produced a sale by a new listing or a Buyer? How much would that add to the value of your Profile?
Active Rain, after built and optimized, is a true asset.
If you are like me and my AR Profile boosts my personal Website through my blog feed would your site lose status with google if your feed was removed? Do you have a direct link to your site from ActiveRain that could cause you to lose position and the collective power of ActiveRain Members and their content?
How much would it cost for a competitor to purchase your position from you?
You have already optimized your profile and you're posting so potential Clients and Customers in your area will find you.
BUT, if you think about it your local competitors could easily change the name and acquire your URL with all the benefits of your points, search engine optimization and google placement without a hitch.
How much? Could it be monetized?
Or, would you consider this at all?