As with most things in life, I think that the saying "everything in moderation" applies. There are always consequences for our actions. Too much playing means not enough working. Too much working means not enough playing and possibly... BURNOUT.
Well, I'm guilty of falling prey to this trap. At times, I spend so much of my time reading, learning and thinking about internet marketing, I fail to get "my basics" done. "My basics" are uniquely my own and have consistently garnered me business. These are the things that come naturally to me.... For instance, networking. I have recently passed on social events in an effort to read, work and research. Not good, not good at all.
I understand the importance of having a web presence. I have a limited knowledge of how I can make the Internet work for me. I now have a personal website and a personal blog. Both are a step in the right direction. Both are miles away from where I was a few months ago. But both are very challenging to me. These things are foreign to me and push me FAR out of my comfort zone.
However, socialization is my comfy place. Because I'm social, I sell homes, lots of homes!
I strive to give each customer a satisfying and rewarding transaction. I take great pride in the things I can offer a customer. These things include an unmatched marketing plan, consistent communication and service that will exceed high expectations. Tall order, yes, but I'm up for it!
My goal is to have a web presence AND continue to do what I do best. Finding a balance that works is tricky.
So I will kindly acknowledge that my new website and blog will never be as good as some other agent sites. I may never fully understand how to make the most of my online presence. However, I will try. I will try as long as I can keep my balance.
There is no agent out there that is capable of having it all. Everyone walks on his or her own tightrope. Those agents who can master the online experience may need some work on other skill sets. Recognizing that fact gives me comfort. Some of the best selling agents in my market have no idea what SEO even means, and they're perfectly happy with that.
At the end of the day, there is enough business for us all. We just have to remember to stay on that tightrope and don't look down!