
Sonoma Bunny At Home - Wordless Wednesday

Real Estate Agent with Pacific Union International

~ Sonoma Bunny At Home ~ Wordless Wednesday

Sonoma Bunny - Kirsten's Sonoma Real Estate BlogSonoma Bunny - Kirsten's Sonoma Real Estate Blog

I was showing a lovely historic Sonoma bungalow just doors from the Plaza when my client and I met this sweet little rabbit nibbling on the lawn.   We both thought immediately that the bunny was probably a stray.   The nearest neighbor is one of Sonoma's better restaurants where exotic menu offerings abound and, both animal lovers,  we were reluctant to call around.  So relieved were we to see this sign on the gate to the backyard.  We knew this delightful little critter was right where it belongs---safely at home!

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Pacific Union International &  Christie's Great Estates

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109 East Napa Street | Sonoma, CA  95476

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Doug Bullwinkel
E Mortgage Capital, Inc. NMLS 1416824 - Roseville, CA
Mortgage Loan Officer NMLS #281609

How great that he gets the run of the entire back yard instead of having to live in a cage.  All he has to watch out for are the owls in the neighborhood.

Sep 21, 2011 08:11 PM
Bryan Robertson
Los Altos, CA

Cute!  I had rabbits as pets when I was growing up (can't anymore because I've grown allergic).  They're great lap pets, warm little furballs to pet.

Sep 22, 2011 03:19 AM
Lennar Minnesota
Lennar Corporation - Plymouth, MN

How cute! You don't often see signs for "Beware of Rabbits" haha I am glad he is safe and happy! :)

Sep 22, 2011 04:24 AM
Monique Risch

Nice photo. Glad you had a camera at hand to capture a free roaming rabbit or that beautiful grey fox we saw in Glen Ellen.

Sep 22, 2011 05:14 AM
Kirsten Lindquist
Pacific Union International - Sonoma, CA
Realtor - Sonoma Wine Country

Doug:  This rabbit apparently has a nice life...a lovely little rabbit hutch, fresh water, and fresh grass enough to feed a huge family.  Just hope it winds up in as nice a place once this house is sold.


Sep 22, 2011 09:06 AM
Kirsten Lindquist
Pacific Union International - Sonoma, CA
Realtor - Sonoma Wine Country

Bryan:  I approached gently but the bunny retreated.  Didn't want to be bothered, I guess, by YET ANOTHER real estate agent!

Sep 22, 2011 09:07 AM
Kirsten Lindquist
Pacific Union International - Sonoma, CA
Realtor - Sonoma Wine Country

Lennar:  I've never seen a bunny running free in the backyard of a house for sale.  Just hope it gets put in its bunny hutch during this weekend's open house.

Sep 22, 2011 09:08 AM
Kirsten Lindquist
Pacific Union International - Sonoma, CA
Realtor - Sonoma Wine Country

Monique:  You have seen some very cool critters on our property tours of Sonoma Valley.  I know where we can see some goats up close in Glen Ellen if you are up for that.

Sep 22, 2011 09:10 AM
Chris Alston
Chris Alston (Keller Williams Realty, Silicon Valley, California) - Campbell, CA
Silicon Valley, California

HAHAHAHAH!!!  Now that is funny.  I am not sure I have ever seen a sign that says don't let bunnies out!

Sep 27, 2011 03:07 PM