Be brutal, be honest. Dont be mean, but be honest.
What would you change?
Be brutal, be honest. Dont be mean, but be honest.
What would you change?
Thanks for the comments..
Judy...It is small. The graphic designer was young.
Maria....I didnt want to scare anyone away with my photo.
Debbie...Thanks for the comments. Seriously, although I am the agent for this property, I find it better to not associate "traditional real estate" with the sales on new construction. I will blog about it later, but I know that the consumer of today thinks "the less real estate agents involved, the better".
Anyways, I get more traffic if I let the builder own and maintain the website and refer me the leads...
You want Honest?
here goes.
It's real purty.
However, will it give you web presence? In other words, will it rank well on a google search?
I took the liberty of entering your URL into a Meta tag analyzer, and , You won't like the results.
Here is the URL for the analyzer. just enter your URL and it will crawl your site like a google spider.
You've gone through all this trouble to create a visually pleasing web site, do yourself a favor and buy and read "SEO for Dummies"... worth every penny and then some.
By the way guys, this site is 100% built from the ground up by professional graphic designers for the whopping price of $150.00. I pay $8.00 a month for hosting. Just between you and me...the template sites are way overrated, graphic designers are the way to go.
I spent over $200 dollars on software last year because I thought I would be able to figure out how to make a website.....I gave up. The freelancers are too cheap if you can find them.
Brian, I didn't happen to see a State in the keywords list.
Victor, I use the same analyzer.
Victor that is an awesome site that you recommended. I am actually looking for a freelance SEO guy right now. I dont think it is something that I can do myself, and like I said, it was a graphic designer who did the site.
With a tool like you recommended, it might be possible to do it myself.......Is it?
I normally dont steal...yeah right....but could I go to my leading competitors and steal their meta tags?
I'm about to eat some crow here.....
after I posted to you, I entered the term "elizabeth's pointe"into a google search...
By cracky... you came up first page position 1
How'd you do dat?
no no....I came up first....not the site. I came up first by using Elizabeth's Pointe as a term in my localism description here on active rain.
I have not done anything to optimize Elizabeth is only 2 days old.
Don't do that.....
You can create your own very easily....
honest .... buy SEO for dummies.....
It'll tell you what you need to put where.....
Victor...I was wrong. I come up first in Yahoo....but the site comes up first in Google. What the heck?
If you highly recommend the book....I will buy it. Seems like the tool you recommend gives me a license to steal though.....I am just warning you........OK I admit it, I have already entered my top competitor. They are keyword stuffing.
Ok... yes... you could do that...
on their page(your competitors url), click "view" on the IE toolbar, Click on "source" and you can view ("copy") their tags.
however... you'll have to modify the HTML to your site.
Juggle keywords, description etc... keep analyzing til you get 100% matches on your site
good to go.
It's not really stealing if all your doing is learning about methods used by every one. well.... most.
Once you see the methodology and understand what you have to do to optimize your meta tags, you now have to create your own in the order and format that everyone else uses.
Just like going to a competitors web site to see what color they used for their sky.... sky blue...
Now you have to figure out how to get the same color ,or one close to it, to work on your web site.
Rich, I definately agree about the finish photos, but unfortunately, I was relying on old photos that were already that small, and I didnt have the original photos. I hope you got some feeling about the quality from the photos, but that is a section that I will be working on in the future.
As far as my information.....I have worked for small, large, and mega-large (1billion+) developments. I can tell you by fact, as soon as you mention real estate agent, you cut your calls in half on a development like this one, where some of the buyers will be investors. They want no real estate agent in the picture because they are trying to keep their costs down as low as possible. Now we, as real estate agents, know that commission is paid on almost every deal.....but the investor, especially the caliber of investor that we have today, does not know that.
Thanks for all the comments guys.