
Stay cool in Phoenix and save $30 per month

Home Inspector with Greens Home Design L.L.C. AZBTR #49380

Staying cool in Phoenix is no easy task.  If there was a way to do it and save $30 per month would you do it?

Here is a step by step process to make it happen.

  1. ThermostatCheck with your utility company and make sure you are on the best time of use plan possible.  Here are links to the rate plans at APS and SRP. APS Rate Plans  SRP Rate Plans
  2. Install a programable thermostat.  Here is one that Home Depot carries.  1 Week Programmable Thermostat.  This model allows you to program 4 different time periods each day and allows different programing for the weekend.  Most time-of-use plans have weekends and some holidays as non peak.  If you need to set a different program for Saturday than you do on Sunday you will want this model.  If you are not to comfortable with installing the thermostat yourself then call Clint Cluff at Cluff Mechanical 623-332-1350 and tell him I recommended him.
  3. Lastly and most important, set the temperature during the off peak times to 75 degrees.  Set the temperature during the peak times to 81 degrees.  You will notice that during the peak times the air conditioner may not even come on.

If you were running your thermostat at 81 degrees all day and reprogram it as I have suggested you should save around $30 per month.  If you weren't on a time of use plan then you could save even more.

For all your Arizona House Plans and Phoenix Home Inspection needs contact me.


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