Today I am sitting down to write my first blog. I remember 5 years ago when this social media came around and was the new thing making a big splash, and thinking to myself, "this is just a fad, it wont last long, I'm not going to waste my time, and who cares about what I have to say anyways"? Maybe I was in denial, or it just took me a little longer to catch on. I am not sure why I waited for so long, but I did know that I was scared, scared of change. Whatever the reason I knew that I better get on board if I wanted to be successful with my Real Estate business, or any business venture from here on out.
So a few months ago I started to ask myself how am I going to get more leads in this economy. When all we hear is the gloom on the news and how horrible the real estate market is. It's a hell of a thing to hear when you are wondering where are you going to find the next buyer or seller and be successful. I started to research what companies are out there for marketing and how was I going to drive business my way. What was I going to do? That is when I realized how much junk is out there for us Realtors'. I started to wonder, "Who is selling me", and "who is selling me the truth" I did a lot of research and listened to a lot of promises but wasn't feeling so hot on what is out there until I found Stephanie at Market Leader. I seeked market leader out and was fortunate enough to get Steph on the phone. Within the first 5 minutes I knew this was the company for me and my business. Stephanie didn't start out the conversation with promises, instead she found out what were my goals, can Market leader help me achieve those, and best of all was Market Leader and I a good fit to work together. She truly did care about my struggles in this market and what the problems were that I was having generating leads. She did care about the money that I had to shell out for marketing when I wasn't bringing much in, and she did care like she was building her own business. That is when was born. She not only got me all set up she started to pass me off to Market Leaders great support staff and started to educate me about craigslist, blogging, and activerain and how to generate my own leads. I started to see how all of this social media came into play and how important it was to build a business in today's market. The stats are staggering when you look at 90% of the consumers looking for real estate start by looking on the computer. If you don't start there, you don't have a shot to generate the leads necessary to close deals.
The moral of this blog is, "get your feet wet however that may look for you. Don't be afraid of change, instead embrace it. Start looking at what you and your business needs are and who is the best fit to fill those shoes. Do your homework and it will definitely pay off in the long run" You will be amazed how much information is floating around out there in cyber space and how much you can learn. You will also be impressed when you start asking questions and how many people are out there to help and lend a helping hand. That is why this country we call "America" is so great.