
Professional Photographer Coming to the Area!

Real Estate Agent with Coldwell Banker, Mulleady, Inc. Realtors 42118

Just wanted everyone, local, to know that one of the premier photographers is flying in to the area to shoot fall color.  

Using the latest high-technology HDR equipment she'll be shooting real estate as well as wildlife in the northwoods starting October 2nd through the 9th.  

If you, or anyone you know, have any photography needs, please let me know!



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Dawn Crawley
Dawn Crawley Realty - Pinehurst, NC
Find Pinehurst Homes

I'm sure the fall photos will be lovely. Hopefully some pictures of nice homes for sale will bring buyers to the market.

Sep 25, 2011 04:23 AM
Mark Geis
Coldwell Banker, Mulleady, Inc. Realtors - Eagle River, WI

Thanks Dawn! 

If you're interested, she does travel the country and shoots nationwide..   let me know and i'll get you her contact information. 

Sep 25, 2011 04:27 AM
Jennifer Chiongbian
Specializing in all types of Manhattan apts & townhouses - Manhattan, NY
Real Estate Broker - NYC

I'm actually going hot air balloning early next month in PA just to photograph the fall colors.  I'm so looking forward to it!

Sep 25, 2011 05:15 AM