Lake Erie Area Homes See Significant Rise
A recent article in The Sandusky Register, provided good news on the Great Lake Erie homefront. The article stated that sales of homes in the Firelands Area increased from 179 in August 2010 to 227 in August 2011. That’s an increase of nearly 27%! Statewide, sales rose 21.8%.
Considering that August 2010’s numbers were elevated because of last year’s homebuyer tax credit, August 2011’s numbers are even more encouraging. The fact that the Firelands area experienced greater gains than other parts of the state is likely because it's so nice to live here.
The Firelands area encompasses Erie, Huron, Ottawa, Sandusky and Seneca Counties. Erie and Ottawa Counties include the Lake Erie vacation destinations of Cedar Point in Sandusky, Huron, Port Clinton, Catawba, Johnson’s Island, Vermilion and the Lake Erie Islands of Put-in-Bay, Kelley’s Island and Middle Bass.
The Firelands area encompasses Erie, Huron, Ottawa, Sandusky and Seneca Counties. Erie and Ottawa Counties include the Lake Erie vacation destinations of Cedar Point in Sandusky, Huron, Port Clinton, Catawba, Johnson’s Island, Vermilion and the Lake Erie Islands of Put-in-Bay, Kelley’s Island and Middle Bass.
If you want to explore the many advantages of buying a home near Lake Erie, the time is now. Home prices are the lowest they’ve been in years and interest rates continue to drop. Let me show you how affordable it can be to realize your dream of living near Lake Erie.
Copyright © Ann Steinemann 2011
Copyright © Ann Steinemann 2011