When is the past passed? Have you ever wondered when you make a mistake, if it will ever be forgotten?
I was reminded of this with Mike Vick, quarterback for the Philadelphia Eagles. What Vick did was despicable, but will he always be remembered for his crime? Will it ever be forgotten? Should it be forgotten or will it always be foremost in your mind?
Now let’s make it personal. If you screw up, do you always want to be remembered for your mistake? Would you like an opportunity to create a new future? I would! So how do you and I create and live into a better future.
The word is forgiveness. It is an oft misunderstood concept. Let’s begin with what it is not:
· Removal of responsibility. To forgive does not release a person from responsibility for his or her actions.
· Simply forgetting.
· Letting myself off the hook.
· Not accepting accountability.
Now, what is it?
· Releasing yourself, and no one else, to live into the future.
· Letting go of bitterness and anger.
I tell persons forgiveness is really a selfish act. What? If a person wrongs you, you have a choice. Will you hold the anger you feel? Will you allow the other person to control you because you harbor anger and bitterness? The only way for you to live into the future is to free yourself! Forgiveness is not about releasing the other, it is about you! Fascinating paradox, isn’t it.
In the end, what you and I think of Mike Vick is irrelevant. Vick is responsible for himself and his actions. Just like you and I are responsible for our behavior. When you screw up, are you able to forgive yourself and move into a new day? I hope so, because it is the only way to be free.