I just received my electric bill from Southern California Edison and page 5 of 6 shared Understanding EMF (Electric and Magnetic Fields). Is this another thing we have to think about when buying or selling homes? Well let’s check it out. Questions have been raised about the possible health effects of 60-hertz (power frequency) and electric magnetic fields (EMF), which are found wherever you have electric power.
Can EMF harm your health?
Electric and magnetic fields are present wherever electricity flows-around appliances and power lines, and in offices, schools and homes. Many researches believe that if there is a risk of adverse health effects from usual residential exposures to EMF, it is probably just at the detection limit of human health studies; nonetheless, the possible risk warrants further investigation.
Better watch those cell phones too, studies have suggested that they may be harmful to your health. It seems the best no-cost protection would be to increase the distance from electric appliances and/or limit the amount of time you use appliances at home or at work.
If you would like more information about EMF, check out http://www.sce.com/Safety/everyone/electric-magnetic-fields.htm.
Thank you,
Alan Adamo NAR, CAR, OCAR
Westline Real Estate - REALTOR®