
1945 S M St. Tacoma Duplex. Why not live rent free?

Real Estate Broker/Owner with Turn Key Real Estate

1945 S. M St.  Tacoma Duplex:  $135,000.

Tacoma Duplex:  1945  S. M St.,  $135,000.


HOW DOES DUPLEX LIVING PAY OFF?  You may count the ways:


Each unit rented at $700 per month.  (Tacoma Housing Authority says they can be raised to $900 and above.)

Expenses can be held to $4536 annually  (=$381 per month).

Available financing:  Owner-occupied VA:  30 year fixed at 5% - $550 per month p&i.

                             FHA investor loans (20% down) 30 yrs at 5%= $550 per month p&i.


Besides the positive cash flow, look for these extras:


*  Tax savings.  You could even shelter your other taxable incomes.

*  Appreciation.  Historically, well-located, well-maintainted real estate has appreciated over 5% per year.

*  Mortgage ammortization.  (Part of that monthly payment goes to principal; paying down your balance.)


For an inspection appointment, just call me.  IF you are seriously interested in real estate investment, I offer you my loaner copy of  Nickerson, Wm.,  How I turned a $1000 investment into $3,000,000.00 in Real Estate In My Spare Time.  (Just give me your contact information down below as "Comment".



Turn Key Real Estate

1310-C  North I St.

Tacoma, 98403

1 888 301 4221



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Charlottesville Solutions
Charlottesville Solutions - Charlottesville, VA

A great deal for the right person

have a great weekend

your friend in Charlottesville

Oct 28, 2011 01:34 PM
Bob & Carolin Benjamin
Benjamin Realty LLC - Gold Canyon, AZ
East Phoenix Arizona Homes

Property looks nice --  all the best to get a quick sale, fast closing and happy buyers. 

Oct 28, 2011 06:04 PM