Wow what a gift! 2.5 million dollars is being gifted by a Minneapolis couple to Colonial Williamsburg to help fund its education programs. I grew up in California and did not learn more then a page of history regarding historic
Jamestown, Yorktown, and Williamsburg. My children are lucky enough to benefit from annual fifth grade school field trips donors area. Donors Peter and Patricia Frechette from Minnesotta want to help more students nationwide learn about the area. Their generous gift according to will help endow the director of teacher development job and support the historic site's electronic field trip series, which is offered on public television and cable stations nationwide. A new high shook curriculumn will be introduced to compliment middle school studies. The funds will introduce in school history and civics curriculum to private, charter and alternative schools, and create a partnership with schools of education at colleges and universities to help prepare high school students to become history and civics. A gift that educates the youth and creates jobs and improves the economy in Williamsburg is greatly appreciated by all of Hampton Roads.
Colonial Williamsburg’sis a 301-acre Historic Area that boasts hundreds of restored, reconstructed, and historically furnished buildings. Costumed interpreters tell the stories of the men and women of the 18th-century city—black, white, and native American, slave, indentured, and free—and the challenges they faced. In this historic place, we help the future learn from the past.
For an interactive tour of the Collonial Williamsburg area Click Here!