
The Los Osos Sewer saga continues..

Real Estate Agent with Gold Coast Realty

By October 23rd, property owners in the Los Osos "prohibition" zone returned their ballots in an assessment vote on whether or not to tax themselves for a new sewer. The vote did succeed so now  SLO County will continue to assess the different sewer plant sites and will then decide how best to finance the project, through borrowing from banks, or the State Revolving Fund, or obtain Federal and State grants, all of which could reduce a property owner's obligation. Because the figures for the eventual assessment aren't firm and neither the sewer location, nor the technologies to be used have been determined yet, there was a lot of controversy regarding the vote. The estimated maximum cost per household is $25,000, if things go on as predicted. This cost can be paid up front or over 30 years at about $2,000per year. Since all this does is continue the project, not keep those disgruntled folks from filing another lawsuit...the saga continues... However, there's some good news for Los Osos. The water department of the Utilities Division of the CSD has been hoping for additional low interest financing for continuing their water pipe replacement program.  They have already replaced substandard pipes at 750 residences, saving about 75 million gallons of water so far. Because of the State loan default on the sewer project there was some doubt as to whether the State would cough up additional low interest funds. However, the water division had a good credit rating with the State, so was able to borrow another 4 million dollars for their replacement project.