Interior Wall Textures – Sacramento Market Report
This report covers the interior wall surfaces in homes in the Sacramento Region. The topic will be the interior wall textures in new and remodeled homes based on our knowledge of the area, contractor communications, and published trends.
When we talk about the interior wall surfaces, we are discussing drywall surfaces. Many of the older homes in the region have plaster walls, as a general rule, those remodels either remove the plaster throughout the project or patch to match the existing. These homes are not addressed in the current trends.
The vast majority of the homes are drywall interiors. There are many custom textures that are available to the homeowner, none of them are common, and they will not be addressed here. The textures come in several common types.
Orange Peel – This is a light texture to give some depth to an otherwise smooth wall. This is common in bathrooms and kitchens. This is a simple texture that many can do. The texture is sprayed on and left to dry before painting.
Skip Trowel – This texture was used in virtually alldrywall textures for several decades. It is applied to a smooth surface to create a random texture on the wall. The texture is applied by hand by skilled professionals. Many drywallers today do not know how to do this. This is a dying trend in new and remodeled homes; it was quickly replaced with the knock-down technique.
Knock-Down – The knock-down texture is applied by spraying compound on the smooth wall and knocking down the high spots to produce a random texture similar to the skip-trowel method. Because this technique can be done quickly, and get similar results to the knock-down texture, it grew in popularity. A crew can complete a whole home in a day – that is fast! This trend is not necessarily growing any larger
Imperfect Smooth – This surface is almost a smooth surface. There are some small voids in the finish, by design, to create an imperfect surface. This is a growing trend in both the new home and in homes being remodeled. The trend involves high-end custom homes and tract homes in the same types of neighborhoods. The imperfect smooth finish is not the most popular texture; however, it is the largest growing trend in the Sacramento market today.
When we look at the trends in the interior wall surfaces today in Sacramento, we can see that the latest trend is the imperfect smooth finish growing in popularity. The knock-down is the most common in both new and remodeled homes. The orange peel and skip-trowel finishes are limited to the remodel projects that require the matching of existing surfaces.