This spoof video is in response to the disconnect I see between being #1 on Google and number one with your past clients. We all get so caught up in SEO and technology and "lead capture" that we can sometimes forget that this is not a house business. It's a people business. In my opinion "google juice" is the kool-aid we've all been drinking too much of. Your best source of advertising is the word of mouth power that your clients and their friends have to either make you rich or sink you. Never forget that. I hope you enjoy my nutty little video about this. Thoughts and comments welcome! For those who are curious, I made this up out of my head with no script, shot it on my mac web-cam and edited it in i-movie in about 30 minutes. You don't need fabulous high end video equipment to make an impact. You just need to be genuine and informative and if possible, fun! Enjoy!!