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Today; 10/11/11

Real Estate Agent with Carolina One Real Estate

High 77  Low  65   Showers
"At every party there are two kinds of people--those who
want to go home and those who don't. The trouble is,
they are usually married to each other." - Ann Landers
Real Estate - Locally, the number of homes for sale dipped -
                     in September, while sales increased for the 3rd -
                     straight month. But the median price was almost -
                     $5,000 lower than a year earlier...
Al says - Texting Codes for Seniors:
              CUATSC - See You at the Senior Center...
Hurricane Jova - expected to reach Cat. 4 strength today -
                           near Barra de Navidad and Puerta Vallarta...
Charleston, SC - the No.1 tourist stop on the -
                           Conde Nast list...
Pat says - Ray of Hope Community Church sign:
                 "THOU SHALL NOT STEAL
                  THE COPPER FROM THE AC UNIT"...
Goose Creek - 1st City in South Carolina to have Google-sponsored -
                        gratis-for-citizens wireless internet. Hot Spots: Town Hall, -
                        Casey Center, Central Ave., and Felkel Field...
Nobel Prize for economics - won by Christopher Sims (Princeton U.) and -
                                            Thomas Sargent (New York U.)...
Word for Today - jaundiced - \JAWN-dist\ - adj. - 1. Affected with or exhibiting prejudice, -
                                                                                as from envy or resentment. -
                                                                            2. Affected with or colored by or as if -
                                                                                by jaundice; yellowed. ...
Yogurt - "It has calcium and phosphorus that can strengthen tooth enamel and -
               protect your teeth from cavities," says Drayer. What's more,. varieties -
               such as Greek-style yogurt are high in protein which is an essential -
               nutrient for the production of collagen, a fibrous substance that keeps -
               your skin youthful-looking...  www.prevention.com
NYSX - closed up with the DOW + 330.06...
MNF - Lions - 24,  Bears - 13...
Thought for Today - "Common sense is not so common."
                                         ~ Voltaire
Does anything else really matter?

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